Any water mains or sanitary sewer mains, lift stations, pumping stations, etc., extended under the provisions of this chapter shall be installed and constructed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications and other requirements of the town. All facilities installed under the provisions of this chapter, whether within or outside the corporate limits, shall become the sole property of the town and under its jurisdiction and control for any and all purposes whatsoever at the time those facilities are connected to the town system. The property owner or owners shall grant to the town such utility easement as the town may require. In addition, a deed to the town for water or sewer facilities installed which are located outside the corporate limits, the cost of which is borne by the applicant or property owners, shall be executed prior to the time any extensions provided for in this chapter are connected to the town system.
(1989 Code, Title III, Ch. 30, § 4-5) (Ord. passed 7-10-1990; Ord. passed 2-10-2009)