(A)   There are hereby created and designated areas defined and established as fire station emergency zones, which are defined as that portion of any public way used as a street, road, boulevard, parkway, highway or alley which is located contiguous to any fire station where emergency vehicles are garaged, and extends for a distance of 300 feet along all streets, roads, boulevards, parkways, highways or alleys in all directions from the traffic entrance used by emergency vehicles to enter such public way.
   (B)   No person shall drive a motor vehicle on any street, road, boulevard, parkway, highway or alley within a fire station emergency zones established pursuant to subsection (A) at a speed greater than that which would allow such person to stop safely to avoid emergency vehicles.
   (C)   The Director of the Department of Public Works shall post reasonable and adequate signs indicating the existence of each fire station emergency zone, their point of commencement and point of termination. Such signs shall warn of the danger of emergency vehicles entering the public way and the requirement of caution and reduced speed in such zones.
(Ord. 16, 2013, passed 1-21-14)