(A)   Charges for sewerage service levied pursuant to this chapter shall be due and payable on or before the due dates shown on the bills. Any service charge not paid by the due date, which is approximately 15 days after the bill is rendered, shall be considered delinquent. The delinquent charge, together with any applied penalty, shall be collectible as hereinafter set forth.
   (B)   As provided by I.C. 36-9-23-31 through 36-9-23-34, delinquent sewerage service charges may be made a lien against the property served through certification to the Auditor and to the Recorder of the County. In such a case, the delinquent service charges, together with the mandatory penalty of 10%, shall be placed on the tax duplicate and be collected in the same manner as regular taxes and assessments are collected.
   (C)   In addition to the foregoing remedies, the city shall have the right to bring a civil action to recover any delinquent charges, together with a penalty of 10% and a reasonable attorney's fee. The city shall also have the right, as provided by I.C. 36-9-23-34, to foreclose any lien established under the provisions of division (B) above, with recovery of the charge, a penalty of 10%, and a reasonable attorney's fee.
   (D)   As authorized by I.C. 36-9-25-11.7, the city shall have the right, at the discretion of the Superintendent of City Utilities, to expenses as bad debt delinquent sewer charges, together with any penalties provided under the provisions of this chapter, if the amount of fees and penalties involved does not exceed the sum of $25.
(Ord. 22-1978, passed 2-13-78; Am. Ord. 8-1988, passed 5-10-88)