If the number of parking spaces required by this Chapter for a non-residential use is substantially larger than the number anticipated by the applicant and the applicant submits a parking assessment in conformance with sub-section 1181.06 (c) that provides sufficient evidence to support the reduced parking needs, a development plan may be approved with an allowance for the construction of a lesser number of parking spaces provided that:
(a) The total number of parking spaces initially constructed shall not be less than seventy percent (70%) of the spaces required this Chapter.
(b) Suitable areas are reserved for the construction of the balance of the required spaces in the event such spaces become necessary, and such areas are shown on the development plan in locations and with landscaping in full compliance with this Zoning Code.
(c) The Planning Commission, upon reevaluation of the project's parking needs, may determine that some or all of the required parking spaces be constructed, and shall notify the property owner of such determination.
(d) Additional parking, if determined to be necessary, shall be constructed according to the approved development plan.
(Ord. 2023-029. Passed 4-18-23.)