Off-street parking requirements may be reduced as provided for in this Section.
(a)    The Planning Commission may approve a reduction in required parking spaces by up to twenty percent (20%) as a conditional use in accordance with the procedures set forth in Chapter 1137, when the applicant demonstrates in a parking assessment, prepared by a traffic consultant in accordance with Section 1181.06 (c) or in parking data from comparable sites provided that:
(1)    The use of transportation demand management programs and/or special characteristics of the customer, client, employee or resident population will reduce expected vehicle use and parking space demand for this development, as compared to the minimum City parking requirements; and,
(2)    The reduction in parking will not burden other available parking facilities in the area or negatively impact adjacent uses.
(b)    In the NRC – Tier 2 District, 3000 square feet of gross floor area shall be exempt from the minimum Required Off-Street Parking Spaces in Schedule 1181.05.
(c)    The parking assessment shall include a description of the use and its anticipated relationship to, and impact on, the surrounding community. At a minimum, the assessment shall include the following:
(1)    The nature of the proposed uses, activities and events that will be accommodated.
(2)    The maximum design capacity of the facility.
(3)    The anticipated pattern of use, including peak hours.
(4)    The estimated traffic generation and parking demand, including the estimated number of parking spaces required at peak capacity.
(5)    The number of parking spaces required according to Schedule 1181.05 compared to the number of spaces proposed.
(6)    The current supply and utilization of parking spaces in the immediate area.
(7)    How any available spaces meet the needs of the proposed use.
(8)    Suggested parking management solutions to address any anticipated discrepancy between the number of parking spaces available and anticipated parking demand.
(9)    Required parking spaces even if the required number of spaces is reduced pursuant to this Section, may be provided in compliance with Section 1181.08, Allowance for Shared Parking for Non-Residential, and in compliance with sub-section 1181.09 (d), Allowance for Off-Site Parking.
         (Ord. 2023-029. Passed 4-18-23.)