(a)    Purpose. The buildings in the City’s General Business District contribute Bedford Heights’ built environment and influence the character of the community. Enhancing the quality and compatibility of these buildings is of utmost importance. The standards set forth below are intended to achieve among others the following purposes:
(1)    To strengthen, enhance, and improve the existing visual and aesthetic character of the General Business District;
(2)    To protect and enhance property values; and,
(3)    To provide guidelines for property owners, architects, and contractors to aid in the preparation of appropriate plans.
   (b)    Applicability of Regulations. In addition to the development standards set forth in Section 1151.03, the design standards set forth in Schedule 1151.04 (c) shall apply to the exterior appearance and design of all new construction and building renovations in the GB, General Business District.
(1)    The Board of Architectural Review may grant an exemption from these standards when the exterior building modifications are minor in nature, meaning the design modifications will have no discernable impact on neighboring properties, the public, the public right-of-way, or those intended to occupy or use the proposed development.
(2)    The Board of Architectural Review may grant an exception or modification to the Design Standards in Schedule 1151.04(c) if the applicant demonstrates that, due to the unusual shape or topography of the lot or an adjoining lot, or due to the location or design of existing structures and other site or building features, the application of the design standards would be unreasonable. The Design Review Board may grant a complete exception from the standard, or it may modify the standard in view of the peculiarities of the site or building. Any modification of the standard shall be considered an "exception." In determining whether to grant an exception, the Plan Commission shall consider:
A.   The purposes of the Zoning District;
B.   The intent of the guideline from which the exception is requested; and,
C.   Whether the intent of the standard may be met by an alternate means.
   (c)    Schedule 1151.04(c) Design Standards. The design standards set forth in Schedule 1151.04(c) shall apply to the exterior appearance and design of all new construction and building renovations in the GB, General Business District.
Schedule 1151.04(c)
Required Design Standards in the General Business District
(1)    Buildings and principal building entrances shall be oriented toward the public street to contribute to a dynamic pedestrian and street environment.
(2)    Any part of the building that is visible from a private right-of-way, public circulation area, public parking area, or public street shall have no more than six (6) feet of contiguous wall length devoid of windows, on any ground floor, unless the wall includes architectural features such as piers, columns, defined bays, or an undulation of the building so that a pedestrian scale, rhythm, and visual interest is created. In no case shall a continuous wall length be devoid of windows for more than twenty (20) feet.
(3)    The pattern of architectural features, such as windows and doors, shall be placed upon the facade of a building in a pattern that creates a building fenestration that has a constant rhythm, a harmonious appearance, and is proportional to one another and surrounding buildings, if applicable.
(4)    First floor windows shall permit view of the interior of the building. Windows shall remain transparent and shall not be blocked in any manner except for permitted temporary window signage.
(5)    Buildings shall have finish materials on all sides. Cinder blocks and vinyl siding shall not be used on any facade, and brick shall not be painted. Existing painted brick may be repainted as needed for ordinary maintenance.
(6)    A combination of materials, textures, colors, and finishes shall be utilized to create visual interest. The building color palette should include one primary earth tone or neutral color with several accent colors.
(7)    Facade openings, including windows and colonnades, shall be vertical in proportion.
(8)    Facades may be supplemented by awnings, which shall be straight sheds without side flaps, but shall not be cubed or curved.
(9)    Materials within ten (10) feet of the ground or the sidewalk shall be of a durable material to withstand pedestrian and vehicular traffic. If “dry vit” or E.I.F.S is used as an exterior building material, impact resistant E.I.F.S., as classified by EIMA (EIFS Industry Members Association), shall be used on all wall areas within ten (10) feet of the ground or sidewalk.
(10)    All roof top equipment shall be concealed in building materials that match the structure or shall be painted to be visually compatible with the structure.
   (d)    Illustrative Examples of Appropriately Designed Buildings in the General Business District.
*A combination of materials, textures, colors, and finishes shall be utilized to create visual interest.
*First floor windows shall permit view of the interior of the building. Windows shall remain transparent and shall not be blocked in any manner except for permitted temporary window signage.
*Facades may be supplemented by awnings, which shall be straight sheds without side flaps, but shall not be cubed or curved.
*Buildings and principal building entrances shall be oriented toward the public street to contribute to a dynamic pedestrian and street environment.
*Facade openings, including windows and colonnades, shall be vertical in proportion.
*The pattern of architectural features, such as windows and doors, shall be placed upon the facade of a building in a pattern that creates a building fenestration that has a constant rhythm, a harmonious appearance, and is proportional to one another and surrounding buildings, if applicable.
*Materials within ten (10) feet of the ground or the sidewalk shall be of a durable material to withstand pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
(Ord. 2023-029. Passed 4-18-23.)