(a) Pursuant to Section 8.05 of the City Charter, there is hereby established a Department of Water Reclamation.
(b) The Director of Water Reclamation shall be in charge of the Department of Water Reclamation. The Director of Water Reclamation shall be appointed by the Mayor subject to confirmation by the majority of members elected to Council, shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and receive such compensation as Council may from time to time provide.
(c) The Director of the Department of Water Reclamation shall, at the time of the appointment, meet all licensing and certification requirements established by the State of Ohio and/or the federal government for the operation and direction of a municipal wastewater treatment facility.
(d) As a condition of employment, the Director of the Department of Water Reclamation shall reside within a 15-mile radius of the City of Bedford Heights during his or her employment, notwithstanding the exceptions to the residency requirements contained in Section 9.07 of the Charter.
(e) The Director of Water Reclamation shall have the following duties:
(1) Manage and administer the Water Reclamation Department and be responsible for the efficient operation of the Wastewater Treatment Plant and Collection System including pump stations and sanitary sewers; act as the municipal contact to both State and Federal Environmental Protection Agencies.
(2) Manage and administer, when established, the municipal utility undertakings of the municipality; promulgate such by-laws and regulations as he/she deems necessary for the safe, economical and efficient management and protection of such utilities, and otherwise perform the functions and duties usually performed by boards of public affairs of a municipality except as may be provided otherwise by the Charter.
(3) Maintain compliance with all state and federal requirements governing water treatment facilities.
(4) Such other duties as may be provided in the Administrative Code or as directed by the Mayor.
(Ord. 2004-189. Passed 12-7-04.)