§ 131.05 EXCEPTION.
   (A)   The terms of this chapter shall not apply to a person over the age of 21 years who consumes, possesses, or has physical control over an alcoholic beverage within the geographical confines of an event, during the authorized hours of the event, and which was purchased or otherwise lawfully obtained from the sponsor of the event or a licensee authorized by the sponsor of the event.
   (B)   An EVENT as used in this chapter shall mean an event specifically approved by a prior duly adopted motion of Borough Council which specifically includes the following:
      (1)   The name of the sponsor;
      (2)   The geographical confines of the event;
      (3)   The date and times of the event; and
      (4)   Such other conditions or limitations as may be imposed by Borough Council.
   (C)   Any person asserting the terms of this section as a defense to a citation issued pursuant to § 130.03 shall have the burden to establish compliance with the terms of this section.
(Ord. 2015-01, passed 3-2-2015)