1-8-1   Purpose
1-8-2   Policy
1-8-3   Procedure; notification
§ 1-8-1 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of this chapter is to provide guidance for acceptable use for electronic mail to city employees.
(Ord. passed - -2013)
§ 1-8-2 POLICY.
   (A)   Any computer of LAN/WAN Network resource provided for use by city employees, contractors and consultants is city property and all uses of these city resources are a matter of city record.
   (B)   The e-mail function, like any city resource, must be used for official business only. Toward that end, the city reserves the right to designate person(s), position(s) and/or committee(s), which have authority to monitor all electronic mail systems and mail. Distribution resources to ensure that the e-mail system is being used for its intended purpose.
   (C)   City elected officials and department heads maintain the right to invoke discipline if the e-mail system is misused. Any e-mail message found to contain discriminatory remarks based upon a person’s race, creed, color, national origin, gender, disability, marital status, appearance, sexual orientation, age or forgery or attempt to forge e-mail document(s) will subject the sender and or author to discipline consistent with any applicable labor agreement or policy up to and including revocation of system usage right and privileges.
   (D)   When critical e-mail is sent, users should verify the receipt of the e-mail by contacting the recipient to verify the e-mail was received. When critical e-mail is expected, users should verify with the sender that the email was sent.
(Ord. passed - -2013)
   (A)   It is the policy of the city to require any employee, contractor or consultant who has access to, or is required to use electronic mail services (hereinafter called “e-mail”) provided by the city, to read, sign and abide by this chapter.
   (B)   Employees will be notified by e-mail through elected officials and department heads when changes to this policy are made. It is the responsibility of each employee to review and adhere to this policy.
(Ord. passed - -2013)