Sec. 2. Department of Law.
   1.    Appointment. 
   The Department of Law shall be headed by a Law Director who shall be appointed and supervised by Council for a term not beyond the next organizational meeting of Council.  Council may also provide for Assistant Law Directors and special legal counsel.
     2.  Qualifications.
   The Law Director shall be duly admitted to the practice of law in the State of Ohio and shall have had at least seven  (7) years of experience in the active practice of law, including a minimum of five (5) years full-time and/or substantial part-time experience in the practice of municipal and/or governmental law.   
   3.  Duties. 
     The Law Director shall serve the Mayor, the various Departments, Boards, Commissions and officers of the City and the Council, as attorney and legal counsel, and shall represent the City in all proceedings in court or before any administrative body. The Law Director shall be general legal counsel to the City, its elected and appointed officers, and all Boards, Commissions and employees of the City, in their official capacity. The Law Director, or an Assistant Law Director, as designated by the Law Director, shall act as the City's prosecuting attorney before the Mayor's Court, Municipal Court and upon appeals.  The Law Director shall perform all duties required by this Charter, the Mayor and Council and all other duties now or hereafter imposed by law upon legal counsel for cities unless otherwise provided by Ordinance by Council.