(a)   Council, the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Architectural Board of Review, the Recreation Board, the Civil Service Commission and all other boards and commissions of the City and any committee thereof are hereby declared to be public bodies and their meetings shall be open to the public except as is hereinafter set forth. As used in this chapter "meeting" means any prearranged discussion of the public business of the public body by a majority of its members. The minutes of a regular or special meeting of any public body shall be promptly recorded and be open to the public for inspection at reasonable times. Such minutes need only reflect the general subject matter of discussion in executive sessions.
   (b)   Council determines that the Official Meeting Minutes of its body, its Committees and those of the Planning and Zoning Commission shall consist of the video recording of the meetings.  A written synopsis which details the general discussion on each agenda item, as well as the votes on all ordinances, resolutions and motions shall also be promptly prepared and kept.  In the event that the video system is not functioning during any meeting, the Clerk of Council or Secretary of the Planning and Zoning Commission shall prepare detailed written minutes of the meeting and any future meetings until the video is restored.
(Ord.  2020-78.  Passed 6-1-20.)