1. By Council or Petition.
Amendments to this Charter may be submitted to the electors of the City by a two-thirds vote of Council, and shall be submitted by Council when a petition signed by ten percent (10%) of the electors of the City, as of the last Regular Municipal Election prior to the time said petition is submitted, setting forth a proposed amendment, is filed with Council in the manner and form prescribed herein for the submission of Ordinances by an initiative petition. The Ordinance providing for the submission of any such amendment shall be submitted to the electors at the next Regular Municipal Election if one shall occur not less than seventy-five (75) nor more than one hundred and twenty (120) days after its passage by Council or the delivery to Council of a petition. Otherwise, Council shall provide for the submission of the proposed amendment at a special election to be called and held within the time aforesaid.
2. By Charter Review Commission.
(A) Commencing on or about September 1st of 2027 and then eight (8) years thereafter, a Charter Review Commission composed of nine (9) Commissioners who are and continue to be electors of the City, shall be established to review this Charter. Each City Council Member shall be entitled to nominate one (1) Commissioner for appointment by Council, and the Mayor shall appoint two (2) Commissioners. In making appointments, Council and the Mayor shall make a good faith effort to ensure that the Charter Review Commission is reflective of the City in terms of diversity, and that each Commissioner has relevant experience and qualifications. No Commissioner may hold any other office or employment with the City. Members shall service until the Commission's recommendations have been submitted to Council.
(B) The Charter Review Commission shall, in public meetings, review in a comprehensive and thorough manner the City's Charter. In the calendar year following the establishment of each Charter Review Commission, the Commission shall recommend to Council and the Mayor such amendments, including alterations, additions, or deletions, if any, to this Charter as in its judgment are conducive to the public interest. The Charter Review Commission shall invite and consider proposed amendments and revisions from the City Administration, Council and Residents. In presenting its recommendations, the Commission shall reserve sufficient time for Council and the public to review the proposed amendments and for Council to make appropriate alterations, additions, or deletions prior to formal Council action on them. Any proposed amendment that Council approves by a two-thirds vote shall be timely submitted to the County Board of Elections for presentation to the electors of the City at the November General Election of 2028, and then each eight (8) years thereafter, in a manner otherwise in accordance with the provisions of this Charter and the Constitution of Ohio.
3. Citizen Notification.
Not less than thirty (30) days prior to such election the Clerk of Council shall mail a copy of the proposed amendment to each elector whose name is made known to the Clerk from the registration books of the Board of Elections and to such other households as Council shall require. If such proposed amendment is approved by a majority of the electors voting thereon, it shall become a part of this Charter.