Ord. No. Date Description
1932-13 4-29-32 Extension of nonconforming use (greenhouse on Kinsman Rd. )
Res.1946-20 2-1-46 Extension of nonconforming use (Gali Florist to extend greenhouse on Kinsman Rd. )
Res.1948-24 5-17-48 Provide special permit for church, parish house and parochial school under Section 17 of Zoning Ordinance for Block A in Van Sweringen Subdivision No. 33.
1948-48 10-2-48 Extend the nonconforming use of Sublot Nos. 295 and 296 in Beechwood Land Co.'s proposed subdivision.
1949-31 7-5-49 Issuance of U-5 special permit (telephone exchange) in U-1 Single-Family District.
1950-32 5-1-50 Sublot Nos. 19 to 26 in Canterbury Golf Subdivision rezoned from U-4 to U-1 District.
1950-43 5-15-50 Permit to build church (modification of restrictions in Van Sweringen's Subdivision No. 29).
1950-60 7-24-50 The northwest and southeast corners at intersection of Kinsman and Green Rds., the southwest, southeast and northeast corners at intersection of Kinsman and Richmond Rds., the northeast corner at intersection of Green Rd. and Fairmount Blvd. and the northeast and northwest corners at intersection of Fairmount Blvd. and Richmond Rd., from U-4 to U-1 District.
1950-61 7-24-50 Change restrictions in Van Sweringen's Subdivision No. 33.
1952-49 5-19-52 Rezone northeast and northwest corners at intersection of Richmond Rd. and Fairmount Blvd. from U-4 to U-1 District.
1952-67 9-8-52 Rezone northeast corner of Green and Kinsman Rds. from U-1 to U-2 District and property on north side of Kinsman Rd. from westerly Village boundary to Belvoir Blvd. from U-1 to U-3 District.
1953-147 1-18-54 Rezone property on southeast and southwest corners at intersection of Richmond Rd. and Kinsman Rd. from U-4 to U-1 District.
Res.1954-27 3-15-54 Authorize issuance of special U-5 use permit to Anshe Chesed Congregation.
Res.1954-87 8-30-54 Authorize extension of nonconforming use (Gali Greenhouse, Inc.)
Res.1954-102 10-18-54 Extend nonconforming use of premises known as Sublot Nos. 295 and 296 in Beechwood Land Co.'s Proposed Subdivision.
Res.1955-22 3-7-55 Issue special use permit to J. Hugh Chissold.
Res.1955-86 8-1-55 Special permit to Ohio Bell Telephone Co. for U-5 use.
1955-122 11-7-55 Rezone property adjacent to northeast corner at intersection of Richmond Rd. and Kinsman Rd. from U-1 to U-4 District.
1956-8 2-20-56 Rezone property on north side of Kinsman Rd. from U-1 to U-4 District.
1956-44 5-7-56 Rezone property on east side of Richmond Rd. from U-1 to U-7 District.
1956-114 10-15-56 Rezone certain property between Green Rd. and Old Green Rd. from U-1 to U-2 District.
1956-117 11-19-56 Rezone certain property on south side of Cedar Rd. from U-1 to U-4 District.
1956-122 9-4-56 Authorize special U-5 permit to Canterbury Country Club for parking lot.
1956-123 10-1-56 Authorize special U-5 permit to Board of Education (Hilltop and Bryden Rd. school sites.)
1956-135 9-12-56 Rezone part of Original Warrensville Twp. Lot No. 50 from U-1 to U-7 District.
1956-162 12-3-56 Authorize special U-5 permit to First Catholic Slovak Ladies Union.
Res.1957-108 9-16-57 Approve change in nonconforming use of Sublot Nos. 295 and 296 in Beechwood Land Co.'s Subdivision.
Res.1957-116 12-2-57 Special use permit (3 years) to Best Golf Driving Range.
Res.1957-119 10-1-57 Approve variance at corner of Halcyon Rd. and Hilltop Rd.
1958-20 3-3-58 Resubdivision of property in Kangesser Co.'s Fairmount Green's Subdivision.
1959-39 5-18-59 Rezone certain areas from U-1 to U-3 District beginning at intersection of Kinsman Rd. and Belvoir Blvd. thence east.
1959-133 10-19-59 Rezone property beginning at intersection of Chagrin Blvd. and Green Rd. thence easterly to U-7A District.
1960-36 4-18-60 Rezone portion of Original Warrensville Twp. Lot No. 48 from U-2 to U-3 District.
1960-37 4-18-60 Rezone portion of Original Warrensville Twp. Lot No. 48 from U-1 to U-7A District.
1960-38 4-18-60 Rezone portion of Original Warrensville Twp. Lot No. 48 from U-1 to U-4A District.
1960-39 4-18-60 Change setback line on Beechwood Blvd. from Greenlawn Ave. to Rack Rd. to 40 rather than 50 ft.
1960-68 6-16-60 Rezone portion of Original Warrensville Twp. Lot No. 46 from U-1 to U-7A District.
1960-70 6-16-60 Rezone portion of Original Warrensville Twp. Lot No. 40 from U-1 to U-4B District.
1960-93 8-1-60 Rezone portion of Original Warrensville Twp. Lot No. 47 from U-1 to U-3 District.
1960-134 9-16-60 Rezone portion of Original Warrensville Twp. Lot No. 47 from U-1 to U-7A District.
1961-17 4-3-61 Rezone portion of Original Warrensville Twp. Lot Nos. 46 and 47 from U-3 to U-7A District.
1961-84 9-5-61 Rezone portion of Original Warrensville Twp. Lot No. 10 from U-4 to U-7A District.
1961-130 11-20-61 Rezone parts of Original Warrensville Tvvp. Lot Nos. 58 and 59.
1963-144 10-21-63 Part of Original Warrensville Twp. Lot No. 10, from Class U-1 and U-4B to Class U-3A.
1964-57 8-3-64 Sublot Nos. 1 to 12 and 25 to 28, inclusive, in the L.H. Wolfe Corporation's Highland Golf Subdivision, from Class U-1 to Class U-3.
1964-122 11-16-64 Part of Original Warrensville Twp. Lot 60, from Class U-1 to Class U-9.
1965-23 10-18-66 Parcel No. 20 of the Van Sweringen Company's Shaker Country Estates Subdivision No. 33, from Class U-1 to Class U-2.
1965-61 6-21-65 Part of Original Warrensville Twp. Lot No. 50, from Class U-1 to Class U-9.
1965-123 12-20-65 Part of Original Warrensville Twp. Lot No. 60, from Class U-1 to Class U-4A.
1965-124 12-20-65 Part of Original Warrensville Twp. Lot No. 60, from Class U-1 to Class U-8.
1965-125 12-20-65 Part of Original Warrensville Twp. Lot No. 60, from Class U-1 to Class U-8.
1965-140 1-17-66 Property beginning and ending at the center line of Chagrin Blvd. at its intersection with the Center line of Old Green Rd., from Class U-1, U-2, U-3 and U-7A to Class U-4A.
1966-49 6-6-66 Part of Original Warrensville Twp. Lot No. 59, from Class U-1 to Class U-7A.
1967-35 5-15-67 Part of Original Warrensville Twp. Lot No. 50, from Class U-4A to Class U-9.
1967-36 5-15-67 Part of Original Warrensville Twp. Lot No. 40, from Class U-4B to Class U-1.
1967-72 8-21-67 Part of Original Warrensville Twp., Range 11, Lot No. 60, from Class U-4A and U-8 to Class U-9.
1968-27 12-16-68 Two parcels at intersections of Richmond and Cedar Rds. from U-7A and U-48 to U-4A.
1969-29 4-21-69 Part of Original Warrensville Twp. Lot No. 58, from Class U- 8 to Class U-7A.
1969-61 7-21-69 Part of Original Warrensville Twp. Lot No. 47, (in Canterbury Golf Subdivision), from Class U-7A to Class U-4A.
1970-37 4-22-70 Parcel No. 20 of the Van Sweringen Co.'s Shaker Country Estates Subdivision No. 33, from Class U-2 to Class U-1.
1970-95 9-21-70 Part of Original Warrensville Twp. Lot No. 59 (in Hampshire Park County Estates Subdivision), from Class U-1 to Class U-7A.
1970-117 11-2-70 Part of Original Warrensville Twp. Lot No. 59 (in Hampshire Park County Estates Subdivision), from Class U-1 to Class U-7A.
1971-33 6-7-71 Part of Original Warrensville Twp. Lot No. 58, from Class U-8 to Class U-7A.
1971-50 6-21-71 Part of Original Warrensville Twp. Lot No. 20, to Class U-3.
1971-139 2-7-72 Part of Original Warrensville Twp. Lot No. 58 from Class U-8 to Class U-7A.
1972-121 11-6-72 Lane of Chagrin Properties, Inc. at intersection of Chagrin Blvd. and proposed Brandon Rd. from Class O-1 to Class U-7A.
1972-136 2-5-73 Land of S. H. Weiser being part of Original Warrensville Twp. Lot 20 from Class U-1 to Class U-3.
1972-137 2-6-73 Land of S. H. Weiser being part of Original Warrensville Twp. Lot 20 from Class U-3 to Class U-1.
1973-71 7-16-73 Land of Forest City Enterprises, Inc. (2.939 acres) being part of Original Warrensville Twp. Lot 10 from Class U-48 to Class U-7A.
1973-72 7-16-73 Land of Forest City Enterprises, Inc. (3.673 acres) being part of Original Warrensville Twp. Lot 10 from Class U-lA-1 to Class U-7A.
1974-57 5-6-74 Approximately 111 ft. frontage on Park East, from Class U-4A to Class U-8.
1974-93 9-9-74 Apprommately 13.62 acres fronting on the east side of Green Rd. and extending through to Commerce Park Dr., from Class U-7A to U-8.
1975-102 10-6-75 Land fronting on Holiday Parkway on the west and I-271 on the east, from Class U-8 to Class U-9.
1976-113 12-16-75 Two parcels: one fronting on Chagrin Blvd. approximately 125 ft. west of I-271 south exit ramp; the other abutting I-271 on the west, approximately 750 ft. north of Chagrin Blvd., from Class U-1A-1 to Class U-7.
1976-80 6-21-76 A 6.39 acre lot fronting on Park East on the east and The Back Wall on the north, from Class U-8 to Class U-4A.
1977-43 5-16-77 Approximately 7.50 acres fronting on Cedar Rd. on the north and I-271 on the east, from Class U-1 to Class U-3A.
1978-29 6-19-78 Land west of I-271, east of Richmond Rd., north of Chagrin Blvd. and south of S. Woodland Rd., from Class U-7 and Class U-1 to Class U-8A.
1978-122 12-18-78 A 60-ft. parcel fronting on Chagrin Blvd. east of and abutting the Pavilion Mall, from Class U-7A to Class U-4A.
1979-93 8-20-79 Apprommately 8.05 acres on Richmond Rd. known as the "Gilmore" property, from Class U-7 to Class U-8A.
1979-80(A) 7-14-80 Parcel I, to be known as The Park, located south of Fashion Dr. and east of Richmond Rd., from Class U-1, A-1 and U-4B to Class U-3.
1979-80(B) 7-14-80 Parcel II, to be known as The Park, located south of Fashion Dr. and east of Richmond Rd., from Class U-1, A-1 and U-4B to Class U-3A.
1979-80(C) 7-14-80 Parcels III and IV, to be known as The Park, located south of Fashion Dr. and east of Richmond Rd., from Class U-1, A-1 and U-4B to Class U-3.
1979-80(D) 7-14-80 Parcels V and VIII, to be known as The Park, located south of Fashion Dr. and east of Richmond Rd., from Class U-1, A-1 and U-4B to Class U-2A.
1979-80(E) 7-14-80 Parcel VI, to be known as The Park, located south of Fashion Dr. and east of Richmond Rd., from Class U-1, A-1 and U-4B to Class A-1.
1979-80(F) 7-14-80 Parcels VII and IX, to be known as The Park, located south of Fashion Dr. and east of Richmond Rd., from Class U-1, A-1 and U-4B to Class U-2A.
1981-150 2-15-82 Approximately one-third of an acre abutting Beach Haven Nursing Home, from Class U-8 to Class U-7A.
1982-92 10-4-82 Approximately 15.85 acres fronting on Richmond Rd., from Class U-1 to Class U-2A.
1982-93 10-4-82 Approximately 52 acres fronting on Richmond Rd., S. Woodland Rd. and Shaker Blvd., from Class U-1 to Class U-5.
1983-47 5-23-83 Property on Richmond Rd., from Class U-1 to Class U-7A.
1983-124 12-5-83 1.96 acres on the southwest corner of the intersection of Fairmount Blvd. and Richmond Rd., from Class U-lA1 to Class U-2.
1985-8 1-21-85 Amending the Zoning Map by establishing 5 districts from which members of the Planning Commission shall be appointed, pursuant to Art. VII, Sec. 2 of the City Charter.
1985-38 4-15-85 Approximately 10+ acres on the southeast corner of Richmond Rd. and Fairmount Blvd., from Class U-1 to Class U-2A.
1986-74 7-21-86 Approximately 6 acres on the southeast corner of Park East, from Class U-8 to Class U-9.
1988-40 3-14-88 Southwest corner of Parkeast Dr. and Hotel Dr., from Class U-8 to Class U-7A.
1988-132 11-21-88 27600 Cedar Rd., from Class U-1 to Class U-7A.
1988-161 1-16-89 Approximately .49 acre on S. Woodland Rd., from Class U-3B to Class U-8A; and approximately 17.73 acres on S. Woodland Rd. and Richmond Rd., from Class U-3B to Class U-3.
1989-21 6-5-89 24212 Cedar Rd., from Class U-1 to Class U-5.
1989-28 3-20-89 27200 Cedar Rd., from Class U-1 to Class U-5.
1989-29 3-20-89 27100 Cedar Rd., from Class U-1 to Class U-5.
1989-30 3-20-89 Property south of 27200 Cedar Rd., from Class U-1 to Class U-5.
1989-31 3-20-89 South portion of 27200 Cedar Rd., from Class U-1 to Class U-5.
1989-32 5-15-89 Property on west side of Richmond Rd., south of Letchworth Rd., from Class U-2A to Class U-1 and U-3.
1990-24 3-19-90 A parcel of land on the west side of Park East Dr., from Class U-4A to Class U-9.
1990-118 12-17-90 A parcel at 27500 Cedar Rd., from Class U-3A to Class U-5.
1990-83 7-3-91 11.378 acres, between Pavilion Mall and Fire Station Dr., from Class U-7A to Class U-4A.
1991-109 1-27-92 0.5509 acres on Cedar Rd., from Class U-3A to Class U-7A.
1992-31 4-6-92 South 88 ft. of Crestmont Cadillac, from Class U-4A to Class U-9.
1992-39 3-15-93 6.1708 acres owned by Beachwood Place Ltd. Partnership, from U-1 to U-4B.
1993-52 9-13-93 Approving a new Zomng Map of the City, rezoning the City to conform to such Map and repealing existing inconsistent zoning.
1996-29 2-5-96 Amends Ord. 1990-24, land on west side of Park East Dr. from U- 4A to U-9 District.
1996-80 4-15-96 Amends Ord. 1992-39, 6.1708 acres owned by Beachwood Place from U-1 to U-4B District.
1997-94 5-19-97 Village Green Apts. from U-3A to U-3 District.
1997-185 1-20-98 3 parcels owned by CB Commerce Park Inc. from Class U-8 to Class U-7A District and 5 parcels 742-28-09 to 742-29-16 from U-8 to U-9 District.
1999-166 4-3-00 Several land parcels owned by Central Motors from U-8A to U-9 District.
2000-33 5-1-00 Portion of proposed fire station site behind residences on Ramsay Rd. from U-1, A-1 Single-Family to U-5 Public and Institutional District.
2000-140 11-20-00 Revises/updates Zoning Map and approves same regarding recent ordinances rezoning City property.
2000-140 11-20-00 Revises zoning map to reflect rezoning of certain parcels from U- 8A to U-9 Motor Service District; also rezoning 0.199 acre to U-5 District.
2002-31 4-15-02 Two acres, part of Original Warrensville Twp. Lot No. 50 from U-7 to U-7A District.
2002-53 6-17-02 Five land parcels at NW quadrant of Maidstone Lane and Richmond Rd., fronting on Richmond Rd. from U-1 to U-2A District.
2002-187 4-7-03 Certain land parcels on Richmond Rd., north of Chagrin Blvd. from U-7 to U-7A; certain land parcels on Richmond Rd., north of Maidstone, from U-1 and A-1 to U-2A District.
2003-122 2-2-04 Sublot 13 on Stratton Rd. from U-3 to U-1 A-2 District, to allow construction of single-family home.
2004-56 6-21-04 Part of Original Warrensville Twp. Lot No. 50 (14 acres) from U-7A and U-8A to U-4A District.
2006-92 8-14-06 Amends House Size District Map; places Blossom Lane in H-4 House Size District instead of H-3 House Size District (supplements Section 1113.06
2011-63 9-6-11 Property at 26949 Chagrin Blvd. from U-4A to U-9 District.
2011-171 3-19-12 Property located on southeast corner of Chagrin Blvd. and Green Rd. from U-7A to U-3C.
2012-90 8-20-12 Permanent Parcels 741-22-018 and northerly 25 feet of 741-22-034 from U-1 Single-Family House District to U-5 Public and Institutional District.
2013-51 11-18-13 Property on east side of Richmond Road north of George Zeiger Drive from U-1 Single-Family House District to U-4B Shopping Center District.
2013-71 11-7-16 Land located on the western side of Richmond Road, north of Maidstone Lane and consisting of land involving Permanent Parcels Nos. 741-15-005, 741-15-006, 741-15-007, 741-15-008 and 741-15-009, also known as Unit 7 - 2402 Cranberry Court, Unit 8 - 2408 Cranberry Court, Unit 9 - 2414 Cranberry Court, Unit 10 - 2428 Cranberry Court, Unit 11 - 2424 Cranberry Court, and Unit 12 - 2420 Cranberry Court, along with two parcels also fronting on Richmond Road and located to the north of the foregoing parcels rezoned from U-1A1 and U-2A to U-3, to permit the construction of townhomes.