   (a)   A licensed exhibitor of fireworks who wishes to conduct a public fireworks exhibition within the Municipality shall apply for approval to conduct the exhibition to the Fire Chief and from the Police Chief or other similar chief law enforcement officer, or the designee of the Police Chief or similar chief law enforcement officer.
   The required approval shall be evidenced by the Fire Chief or Fire Prevention Officer and by the Police Chief or other similar chief law enforcement officer, or the designee of the Police Chief or similar chief law enforcement officer, signing a permit for the exhibition, the form for which shall be prescribed by the State Fire Marshal.  Any exhibitor of fireworks who wishes to conduct a public fireworks exhibition may obtain a copy of the form from the Fire Marshal or, if it is available, from the Fire Chief, Fire Prevention Officer, Police Chief or other similar chief law enforcement officer, or the designee of the Police Chief or similar chief law enforcement officer.
   (b)   Before a permit is signed and issued to a licensed exhibitor of fireworks, the Fire Chief or Fire Prevention Officer in consultation with the Police Chief or other similar chief law enforcement officer, or a designee of such Police Chief or similar chief law enforcement officer, shall inspect the premises on which the exhibition will take place and shall determine that, in fact, the applicant for the permit is a licensed exhibitor of fireworks.  Each applicant shall show the applicant’s license as an exhibitor of fireworks to the Fire Chief or Fire Prevention Officer.
   The Fire Chief or Fire Prevention Officer and the Police Chief or other similar chief law enforcement officer, or a designee of such Police Chief or similar chief law enforcement officer, shall give approval to conduct a public fireworks exhibition only if satisfied, based on the inspection, that the premises on which the exhibition will be conducted allow the exhibitor to comply with the rules adopted by the Fire Marshal pursuant to Ohio R.C. 3743.53(B) and (E) and that the applicant is, in fact, a licensed exhibitor of fireworks.  The Fire Chief or Fire Prevention Officer in consultation with the Police Chief or other similar chief law enforcement officer, or a designee of such Police Chief or similar chief law enforcement officer, may inspect the premises immediately prior to the exhibition to determine if the exhibitor has complied with the rules, and may revoke the permit for noncompliance with the rules.
   (c)   The Fire Chief or Fire Prevention Officer and the Police Chief or other similar chief law enforcement officer, or a designee of such Police Chief or similar chief law enforcement officer, shall not issue a permit until the applicant pays a permit fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) plus any necessary costs of investigation of the applicant and of inspecting the premises on which the exhibition will be conducted.
   Each exhibitor shall provide an indemnity bond in the amount of at least one million dollars ($1,000,000), with surety satisfactory to the Fire Chief or Fire Prevention Officer and to Police Chief or other similar chief law enforcement officer, or a designee of such Police Chief or similar chief law enforcement officer, conditioned for the payment of all final judgments that may be rendered against the exhibitor on account of injury, death or loss to persons or property emanating from the fireworks exhibition, or proof of insurance coverage of at least one million dollars ($1,000,000) for liability arising from injury, death or loss to persons or property emanating from the fireworks exhibition.  The Legislative Authority may require the exhibitor to provide an indemnity bond or proof of insurance coverage in amounts greater than those required by this subsection.  The Fire Chief or Fire Prevention Officer and Police Chief or other similar chief law enforcement officer, or a designee of such Police Chief or similar chief law enforcement officer, shall not issue a permit until the exhibitor provides the bond or proof of the insurance coverage required by this subsection.
   (d)   (1)   Each permit for a fireworks exhibition issued by the Fire Chief or Fire Prevention Officer and by the Police Chief or other similar chief law enforcement officer, or a designee of such Police Chief or similar chief law enforcement officer, shall contain a distinct number, designate the Municipality, and identify the certified Fire Safety Inspector, Fire Chief or Fire Prevention Officer who will be present before, during, and after the exhibition, where appropriate.  A copy of each permit issued shall be forwarded by the Fire Chief or Fire Prevention Officer and by the Police Chief or other similar chief law enforcement officer, or a designee of such Police Chief or similar chief law enforcement officer, issuing it to the Fire Marshal, who shall keep a record of the permits received.  A permit is not transferable or assignable.
      (2)   The Fire Chief, Fire Prevention Officer and Police Chief or other similar chief law enforcement officer, or a designee of such Police Chief or similar chief law enforcement officer, shall keep a record of issued permits for fireworks exhibitions.  In this list, the Fire Chief, Fire Prevention Officer, Police Chief or other similar chief law enforcement officer, or a designee of such Police Chief or similar chief law enforcement officer, shall list the name of the exhibitor, the exhibitor’s license number, the premises on which the exhibition will be conducted, the date and time of the exhibition and the number of the permit issued to the exhibitor for the exhibition.
   (e)   The governing authority having jurisdiction in the location where an exhibition is to take place shall require that a certified Fire Safety Inspector, Fire Chief, or Fire Prevention Officer be present before, during, and after the exhibition, and shall require the certified Fire Safety Inspector, Fire Chief, or Fire Prevention Officer to inspect the premises where the exhibition is to take place and determine whether the exhibition is in compliance with this chapter and Ohio R.C. Chapter 3743. 
(ORC 3743.54)
   (a)   No licensed exhibitor of fireworks shall fail to comply with the applicable requirements of the rules adopted by the Fire Marshal pursuant to Ohio R.C. 3743.53(B) and (E) or to comply with Divisions (C) and (D) of that section.
   (b)   No licensed exhibitor of fireworks shall conduct a fireworks exhibition unless a permit has been secured for the exhibition pursuant to Section 1519.02 or if a permit so secured is revoked by the Fire Chief or Fire Prevention Officer in consultation with the Police Chief or other similar chief law enforcement official or a designee of such Police Chief or other similar law enforcement official pursuant to that section.
   (c)   No licensed exhibitor of fireworks shall acquire fireworks for use at a fireworks exhibition other than in accordance with Ohio R.C. 3743.54 and 3743.55.
   (d)   No licensed exhibitor of fireworks or other person associated with the conduct of a fireworks exhibition shall have possession or control of, or be under the influence of, any intoxicating liquor, beer or controlled substance while on the premises on which the exhibition is being conducted.
   (e)   No licensed exhibitor of fireworks shall permit an employee to assist the licensed exhibitor in conducting fireworks exhibitions unless the employee is registered with the Fire Marshal under Ohio R.C. 3743.56. (ORC 3743.64)
   (a)   No person shall possess fireworks in this Municipality or shall possess for sale or sell fireworks in this Municipality, except a licensed manufacturer of fireworks as authorized by Ohio R.C. 3743.02 to 3743.08, a licensed wholesaler of fireworks as authorized by Ohio R.C. 3743.15 to 3743.21, a shipping permit holder as authorized by Ohio R.C. 3743.40, an out-of-state resident as authorized by Ohio R.C. 3743.44, a resident of this State as authorized by Ohio R.C. 3743.45, or a licensed exhibitor of fireworks as authorized by Ohio R.C. 3743.50 to 3743.55 and Section 1519.02 and except as provided in Section 1519.05.
   (b)   Except as provided in Section 1519.05 and except for licensed exhibitors of fireworks authorized to conduct a fireworks exhibition pursuant to Ohio R.C. 3743.50 to 3743.55 and Section 1519.02, no person shall discharge, ignite or explode any fireworks in this Municipality.
   (c)   No person shall use in a theater or public hall, what is technically known as fireworks showers, or a mixture containing potassium chlorate and sulphur.
   (d)   No person shall sell fireworks of any kind to a person under eighteen years of age.  No person under eighteen years of age shall enter a fireworks sales showroom unless that person is accompanied by a parent, legal guardian, or other responsible adult.  No person under eighteen years of age shall touch or possess fireworks on a licensed premises without the consent of the licensee.  A licensee may eject any person from a licensed premises that is in any way disruptive to the safe operation of the premises.
   (e)   Except as otherwise provided in Ohio R.C. 3743.44, no person, other than a licensed manufacturer, licensed wholesaler, licensed exhibitor, or shipping permit holder, shall possess 1.3 G fireworks.
(ORC 3743.65)
   1519.05  APPLICATION.
   This chapter does not prohibit or apply to the following:
   (a)   The manufacture, sale, possession, transportation, storage or use in emergency situations, of pyrotechnic signaling devices and distress signals for marine, aviation or highway use;
   (b)   The manufacture, sale, possession, transportation, storage or use of fusees, torpedoes or other signals necessary for the safe operation of railroads;
   (c)   The manufacture, sale, possession, transportation, storage or use of blank cartridges in connection with theaters or shows, or in connection with athletics as signals or for ceremonial purposes;
   (d)   The manufacture for, the transportation, storage, possession or use by, or sale to the Armed Forces of the United States and the militia of this State of pyrotechnic devices;
   (e)   The manufacture, sale, possession, transportation, storage or use of toy pistols, toy canes, toy guns or other devices in which paper or plastic caps containing twenty-five hundredths grains or less of explosive material are used, provided that they are constructed so that a hand cannot come into contact with a cap when it is in place for explosion, or apply to the manufacture, sale, possession, transportation, storage or use of those caps;
   (f)   The manufacture, sale, possession, transportation, storage or use of novelties and trick noisemakers, auto burglar alarms or model rockets and model rocket motors designed, sold and used for the purpose of propelling recoverable aero models;
   (g)   The manufacture, sale, possession, transportation, storage or use of wire sparklers.
   (h)   The conduct of radio-controlled special effect exhibitions that use an explosive black powder charge of not more than one-quarter pound per charge, and that are not connected in any manner to propellant charges, provided that the exhibition complies with all of following:
      (1)   No explosive aerial display is conducted in the exhibition;
      (2)   The exhibition is separated from spectators by not less than two hundred feet;
      (3)   The person conducting the exhibition complies with regulations of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms of the United States Department of the Treasury and the United States Department of Transportation with respect to the storage and transport of the explosive black powder used in the exhibition.
         (ORC 3743.80)
   1519.99  PENALTY.
   Whoever violates any provision of this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree for a first offense and shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) or imprisoned not more than six months or both.  (ORC 3743.99(C))