Expenses and costs incurred by the City incident to demolition under this Residential Exterior Maintenance Code shall be paid by the owner of the structure or premises as permitted by law. (Ord. 1984-118. Passed 1-7-85.)
The Building Commissioner is hereby authorized to adopt such written rules and regulations as he or she feels is necessary for the proper interpretation and enforcement of this Residential Exterior Maintenance Code. Such rules and regulations shall not conflict with or waive any of the provisions of this Code or any other ordinance of the City.
(Ord. 1984-118. Passed 1-7-85.)
1353.09 APPEALS.
The owner, agent, tenant or occupant of any structure or premises shall have the right to appeal from any notice issued by the Building Commissioner, within fifteen (15) days from the date such notice was given or mailed, to the Architectural Review Board. Such appeal must be in writing and filed with the Clerk of the Architectural Review Board in the Building Department. Failure to file a written appeal with the Board within the time prescribed herein shall constitute a waiver of the right to appeal. Except in cases of emergency as set forth in Section 1353.05, the filing of an appeal from any such notice shall suspend action on enforcement of such notice until the appeal is acted upon by the Board.
(Ord. 1999-195. Passed 8-7-00.)
No person shall violate or fail to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter, or with any rule or regulation promulgated under authority of this chapter, or fail to comply with any written notice or written order issued under authority of this chapter, or interfere with, obstruct or hinder the Building Commissioner while he or she is attempting to make an inspection under this chapter, except as provided in Section 1353.02. (Ord. 1984-118. Passed 1-7-85.)