No person shall own, keep or harbor a dog wearing a fictitious, altered or invalid registration tag or a registration tag not issued by the County Auditor in connection with the registration of such animal. (ORC 955.25)
(a) Whenever any animal has bitten any person, the Chief of Police or any member of the Police Department may order such animal quarantined in the County Dog Kennels or in a veterinarian's kennels for a period not longer than ten days, or may order the examination and inspection of such animal at the County Dog Kennels or by a qualified veterinarian immediately after such biting and ten days thereafter for the purpose of determining the presence of rabies or other communicable disease and preventing the spread of the same.
(b) If the owner or person in possession of such an animal fails or refuses to comply with such an order, any member of the Police Department may seize such animal and have it impounded in the County Dog Kennels for such time as may be necessary to examine or quarantine such animal for rabies or other communicable disease. Any expense or cost incurred by the City in connection with such examination or quarantine shall be charged to and collected from the owner of such animal.
(1964 Code §52.04)
(c) No person shall fail to cause an animal to be quarantined or inspected in conformity with the order referred to in subsection (a) hereof or obstruct or hinder any police officer of the City in the enforcement of any of the provisions of this section.
(Ord. 1970-135. Passed 11-16-70.)
(a) No person shall keep or harbor any animal or fowl in the Municipality so as to create offensive odors, excessive noise or unsanitary conditions which are a menace to the health, comfort or safety of the public, or otherwise permit the commission or existence of a nuisance as hereinafter defined.
(b) Any animal which by biting or frequent or habitual barking, howling or yelping which constitutes a violation(s) of Section 618.07, or which in any way or manner injures or disturbs the quiet of any person or the community, or which disturbs or endangers the comfort, repose or health of persons, is hereby declared to be committing a nuisance. It shall be unlawful for any owner, keeper or harborer of such animal to harbor or permit it to commit such nuisance.
(c) Any animal which scratches, digs, urinates or defecates upon any lawn, tree, shrub, plant, building or other public or private property, other than the property of the owner, keeper or harborer of such animal, is hereby declared to be a nuisance.
(d) No person, being the owner, keeper or harborer of any animal shall allow or permit such animal to commit a nuisance upon any school grounds, City park or other public property, or upon any private property other than that of the owner, keeper or harborer of such animal, without the permission of the owner of such property. Where the owner, keeper or harborer of such animal immediately removes all feces deposited by such animal and disposes of same in a sanitary manner, such nuisance shall be considered abated.
(e) No person, being an owner, tenant, agent, occupant, or person in control of any property, shall cause or knowingly permit a nuisance by providing food for or feeding any stray dog, cat or other wildlife, including but not limited to, birds, water fowl, raccoons, opossums, skunks, rabbits, deer, and coyotes whether or not it creates an unsanitary condition; cause inconvenience, discomfort, or damage to another; or endanger the comfort, repose, health or safety of others; or in any way render other persons insecure in life or in the use of their property.
(1) This section does not apply to song birds fed from a stationary and off-ground/hanging bird feeder;
(2) This section shall not apply to a law enforcement officer, game officer or conservation officer enforcing the laws of the State of Ohio, or any local ordinances, nor to anyone officially authorized by the City to engage in an animal control program, including, without limitation, a feral cap Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return Program or similar program.
(3) The City may also initiate a civil action in an appropriate court for injunctive and other relief for a violation of this section.
(Ord. 2019-93. Passed 8-5-19.)
No person being the owner, keeper or harborer of any animal shall continue to keep or harbor within this City any animal which is or creates a nuisance as defined by Section 618.12, unless such animal is confined or otherwise kept under strict control as to abate the nuisance, and in the case of a dangerous or vicious dog, is restrained and confined in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 1999-17. Passed 1-19-99.)
It shall be the duty of the Police Department to take up and impound every dog found in violation of Section 618.01 or 618.07. If such a dog is not wearing a valid license tag, the Police Department shall turn it over forthwith to an officer charged by law with the custody of dogs and shall immediately give the owner, if he can be found, written notice that the dog has been taken up. The dog shall not be released except on payment of the reasonable expense of taking it up and keeping it, as determined by the Chief of Police, but not less than two dollars ($2.00), and any dog not reclaimed within seven days after receipt of notice by the owner, or within ten days of taking it up if the owner cannot be found, shall be destroyed or otherwise disposed of at the discretion of the person in charge of the Police Department.
(1964 Code §62.03)
The hunting of animals or fowl within the Municipality is prohibited. No person shall hunt, kill or attempt to kill any animal or fowl by the use of firearms or any other means.
(Ord. 1969-54. Passed 7-7-69.)
The owner, keeper or harborer of any animal which damages or destroys public or private property shall be held liable for the full value of the property damaged or destroyed in addition to any penalty imposed for a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 1969-64. Passed 7-7-69.)
In addition to the penalty provided in Section 698.02, the Municipal Court may order the owner or person in custody or possession of any animal which is determined by the Court to be a vicious animal or a perennial nuisance, or which constitutes a serious threat to the health or safety of the public, to forthwith remove such animal from the City. If such animal is not removed from the City in compliance with such order, the Court may order the Chief of Police to cause the animal to be impounded and destroyed.
(Ord. 1972-89. Passed 6-12-72.)
(a) The owner or keeper of any member of a species of the animal kingdom that escapes from his or her custody or control and that is not indigenous to this State or presents a risk of serious physical harm to persons or property, or both, shall, within one hour after he or she discovers or reasonably should have discovered the escape, report it to:
(1) A law enforcement officer of the Municipality and the County Sheriff; and
(2) The Clerk of the Municipality.
(b) If the office of the Clerk of the Municipality is closed to the public at the time a report is required by subsection (a) hereof, then it is sufficient compliance with paragraph (a) (2) hereof if the owner or keeper makes the report within one hour after the office is next open to the public. (ORC 2927.21)