In all business districts the following signs are permitted subject to the requirements set forth in this chapter:
   A.   Exempt Signs: Exempt signs.
   B.   Temporary Signs: Temporary signs.
   C.   Wall Signs: Wall signs.
      1.   Zoning Districts Specified:
         a.   Every use in a nonresidential district is permitted wall signage per table 15.24.170 of this section.
         b.   Every business use in the restricted office (O-1) zoning district is allowed wall signage per table 15.24.170 of this section. The allowable size may be increased through the issuance by the village of a conditional use permit.
      2.   Second Side Facing A Public Or Private Street Or Customer Parking Area: In nonresidential zoning districts, businesses located in corner buildings or buildings with customer parking areas on more than one side shall be permitted additional wall signage as noted in table 15.24.170 of this section.
      3.   Projection: Signs suspended from any building shall not project more than twelve inches (12") beyond the front of the building. The bottom of such signs shall not be less than eight feet (8') above the finished grade of the sidewalk. Any sign projecting or suspended from a building shall not exceed ten feet (10') in height from the bottom of the sign to the top of the sign and its location and arrangement shall be subject to approval by the zoning administrator.
      4.   Height: No wall sign shall be higher than twenty feet (20') above curb level, and in no case shall a sign project above the roofline in the case of flat roofed structures, or eaves line in the case of a pitched roof structure.
      5.   Awnings And Canopies: Signs shall be allowed to cover up to fifty percent (50%) of the surface area of an awning or canopy provided that any sign located on an awning or a canopy shall be affixed flat to the surface thereof, shall be nonelectric and nonflashing, and shall only be illuminated with downcast external lighting. Further, no such sign shall extend vertically or horizontally beyond the limits of the awning or canopy. Awnings and canopies shall have a headroom of not less than seven feet (7').
      6.   Maximum Letter Height: The primary signage may be uppercase or a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, and shall not exceed twenty four inches (24") in letter height for signs having a twenty foot (20') setback. Letter height may be increased six inches (6") for each additional ten foot (10') setback up to a maximum of seventy two inches (72").
      7.   Colors: The maximum number of colors per sign shall not exceed four (4).
   D.   Freestanding/Ground Signs: For each zoning lot that includes a principal detached building where a setback is provided from all property lines, there shall be permitted signage per table 15.24.170 of this section and as follows:
      1.   Sign Faces And Area: No more than two (2) sign faces are permitted per freestanding sign and the maximum sign area for a freestanding sign per this section shall reflect only one face of such a sign.
      2.   Location:
         a.   Signs must be set back a minimum of seven feet (7') from any property or right of way line with the surface area of any freestanding sign encroaching into the required front or corner side yard shall not exceed fifty (50) square feet in surface area per face. Freestanding signs may exceed fifty (50) square feet area per face provided that the sign be set back one additional foot from all street right of way lines and any abutting residential zoning district for each two (2) square feet of sign area over fifty (50) square feet.
         b.   No freestanding sign shall interfere with sight lines for intersections with a street or internal circulation drive. In cases where in the opinion of the zoning administrator a proposed sign may adversely impact traffic safety, the zoning administrator may require that the bottom edge of the sign be nine feet (9') above ground or that the top edge of the sign be less than thirty six inches (36").
      3.   Maximum Letter Height: The primary signage may be uppercase or a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, and shall not exceed twelve inches (12") in letter height for signs having a seven foot (7') setback. Letter height may be increased six inches (6") for each additional ten foot (10') setback up to a maximum of seventy two inches (72").
      4.   Colors: The maximum number of colors per sign shall not exceed four (4).
      5.   Structure Materials: For ground signs mounted on pylons or poles, decorative stone or masonry covering the pylon or pole structure must be provided. Monument styles shall have decorative stone or masonry bases.
      6.   Landscaping: Foundation plantings of shrubs, perennials, and ornamental grasses shall be provided around the base of ground signs.
      7.   Signs Accessory To Automobile Service Stations: The following signs accessory to automobile service stations are permitted:
         a.   Signs on fuel pumps that are only observable to patrons at the fuel pump and are not observable from a property line may be displayed without counting against a lot's total allowable freestanding signage.
         b.   Items for sale on the premises may be openly displayed within ten feet (10') of the principal building.
      8.   Electronic Message Centers:
         a.   Quantity: One electronic message center shall be allowed per zoning lot with the approval of a conditional use permit with at a minimum the conditions under subsection D8b of this section being met.
         b.   Conditions:
            (1)   Area: Electronic message centers shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) the allowed sign area of a ground sign.
            (2)   ROW Frontage: The zoning lot on which the sign is to be located shall have a minimum of one hundred (100) continuous feet of ROW frontage along its front lot line.
            (3)   Text Shall Be Displayed Monochromatically: Anything displayed on the lines of text on the sign shall be displayed monochromatically, and shall not change in color, intensity, brightness, shade or color gradient.
            (4)   Display Shall Remain Static: The copy, logo or display of the sign shall remain static and unchanging for a period of no less than fifteen (15) seconds.
            (5)   Advertisements: The sign may only be used to advertise commercial services and products available at the businesses located on the premises, noncommercial messages from not for profit or governmental organizations located within the village, and advertisements for public meetings and noncommercial public events in the village.
            (6)   Flashing Lights: The message shall not consist of flashing, scintillating, chasing or animated lights, or include animated pictorial graphics.
            (7)   Illumination: The illumination of the sign shall not exceed an intensity of 0.5 foot-candle as measured with a portable handheld sensor at either the property line or ten feet (10') from the sign, whichever is lesser.
            (8)   Dimming: The sign shall incorporate automatic dimmer software or solar sensors with maximum settings of five thousand (5,000) nits during daylight and five hundred (500) nits between dusk and dawn. If the village finds that the sign causes glare or otherwise impairs the vision of the driver of a motor vehicle, the owner of the sign, within twenty four (24) hours of a request by the village, shall reduce the intensity of the sign to a level acceptable to the village.
            (9)   Prohibition: The sign is prohibited within sixty feet (60') of a property line of a residential only use lot if any part of the sign would be visible from the residence on the residential only use lot.
            (10)   Sign Operating Hours: Sign shall only operate between one- half (1/2) hour before the premises are opened, or six o'clock (6:00) A.M., whichever is earlier and one-half (1/2) hour after the premises is closed to the public, or eleven o'clock (11:00) P.M., whichever is later.
            (11)   Repairs: If at any time, more than thirty percent (30%) of the display lights malfunction or are no longer working, the owner of the sign shall make repairs to the sign within sixty (60) days or the sign will require removal. All electronic message center signs must be equipped with a default mechanism that will stop the messaging or freeze the image in one position when a malfunction in electronic programming occurs.
   E.   Comprehensive Signage Plan: Buildings or lots with more than one tenant may elect to submit a comprehensive signage plan for conditional use permit approval that details all proposed signage and standards. In general, the standards for signage should follow the limits outlined for other signage under this section, but signage limits and standards shall ultimately be set and governed by any approved conditional use permit for the subject property. Any deviations from these standards set in the conditional use permit will require an amendment to the approved conditional use permit.
   F.   Planned Unit Development (PUD) Signage: Developments approved as planned unit developments (PUDs) may elect to submit as part of the approval process for the PUD a comprehensive signage plan that details all proposed signage and standards. In general, the standards for signage should follow the limits outlined for other signage under this section, but signage limits and standards shall ultimately be set and governed by any approved PUD agreement for the subject property. Any deviations from these standards set in the PUD agreement will require an amendment to the approved PUD agreement.
   G.   Exceptional And Unique Signs: Any sign not listed in this section shall be subject to conditional use permit approval per the provisions for a conditional use of the zoning ordinance and may be allowed within the context of the following considerations:
      1.   The sign is integral to or will act as a visual enhancement to the architectural and aesthetic character to the building or lot upon which it is located;
      2.   The sign is needed to provide advertising for a specific and unique aspect related to a particular business or lot;
      3.   The sign utilizes technology or standards not presently covered by this section;
      4.   The sign or elements of the sign are not explicitly prohibited under section 15.24.130 of this chapter;
      5.   The sign will not present visual, noise, smell or other nuisance conditions to the surrounding properties or the village as a whole; and
      6.   The sign will not impact negatively on the health, safety, and welfare of the surrounding properties or the village as a whole.
TABLE 15.24.170
Type Permitted
Limit On Number
Of Signs
Maximum Sign Size5
Maximum Sign Height
Calculating Sign Area
Freestanding Lot Frontage
Wall4 Building Wall
1 per street frontage, plus 1 additional for frontage over 600 ft.
200 sq. ft.
25 ft.
Not permitted
1 sq. ft./2 linear feet
1 sq. ft./1 linear foot
1 per street frontage, plus 1 additional for frontage over 600 ft.
200 sq. ft.
25 ft.
Not permitted
1 sq. ft./2 linear feet
1 sq. ft./1 linear foot
1 per street frontage, plus 1 additional for frontage over 600 ft.
200 sq. ft.
25 ft.
Not permitted
1 sq. ft./2 linear feet
1 sq. ft./1 linear foot
1, plus 1 with conditional use2
6 sq. ft.2
24 sq. ft.2
6 ft.
10 ft.2
Not permitted
Not applicable
Not applicable
1 per street frontage, plus 1 additional for frontage over 600 ft.
200 sq. ft.
25 ft.
Not permitted
1 sq. ft./2 linear feet
1 sq. ft./1 linear foot
   1.    Freestanding signs: Any sign supported by structures or supports that are placed on, or anchored in, the ground and that are independent from any building or other structure.
   2.    A 6 square foot sign is permitted by right for a permitted nonresidential use. These signs may be increased up to 24 square feet for a wall sign and 8 square feet for a freestanding sign under a conditional use permit as per the village zoning ordinance.
   3.    No freestanding sign shall interfere with sight lines for intersections with a street or internal circulation drive. In cases where in the opinion of the zoning administrator a proposed sign may adversely impact traffic safety, the zoning administrator may require that the bottom edge of the sign be 9 feet above ground or that the top edge of the sign be less than 36 inches.
   4.    Second side facing a public or private street or customer parking area: Additional signage with not more than 1 square foot of wall signage for every 2 linear feet of applicable building wall to a maximum of 50 square feet of signage is permitted.
   5.    Maximum sign size area shall be based on 1 sign face for wall sign face and 2 sign faces for freestanding signs, and may be increased by 50 percent with conditional use permit approval. Corner lot: A maximum of 50 square feet of signage per sign face will be permitted for the freestanding sign on the second street frontage on a corner lot.
(Ord. 2015-O-21)