The following signs and conditions are prohibited:
   A.   No sign shall be permitted to obstruct any window, door, fire escape, stairway or opening intended to provide light, air, ingress or egress for any building that would cause a violation of the building code.
   B.   No sign may be painted, pasted or similarly posted directly on the surface of any wall, roof or fence. Nor shall any sign be permitted to be placed on any wall, fence or standard facing the interior side yard or any adjoining lot located in the residential district.
   C.   No sign shall be attached to a tree in any public right of way, utility pole, light, street sign or signal standard or traffic signaling equipment.
   D.   Portable or mobile signs are prohibited except as a temporary sign subject to the provisions of section 15.24.150 of this chapter.
   E.   No flashing, moving or revolving signs shall be permitted. No electric or illuminated sign shall be of the flashing or intermittent type. Devices denoting the time, temperature and other similar information and permitted electronic message center signs are not considered a flashing sign for the purpose of this chapter.
   F.   No sign, streamer, banner, flag, pennant or other attention attracting device supported by rope or wires or in any other manner shall encroach upon, over or across any public street, alley, sidewalk, parkway or park, or right of way.
   G.   In order to maintain reasonable traffic safety, it is unlawful for any person to erect or maintain any sign or attention attracting device in such a manner as to obstruct free and clear vision of the driver of any vehicle on a public street, private drive or parking area. Pursuant to the foregoing, no sign or other attention attracting device shall be erected or maintained in such a manner as to be likely to interfere with, obstruct the view of, or be confused with, any authorized traffic sign, signal or device. Accordingly, no sign or other advertising structure shall make use of the words, "stop", "go", "look", "slow" and "danger", or any similar word, phrase, symbol or character. Signs in direct line of vision of any traffic signal shall not have red, green or amber illumination. Signs which may be in conflict with public traffic signals shall not be permitted.
   H.   No sign shall bear or contain statements, words or pictures of an obscene or pornographic character, or which contain advertising matter which is untruthful.
   I.   Neon, LED tubing, or other illuminated treatments except with respect to permitted illuminated window signs.
   J.   Roof signs.
   K.   Off premises advertising sign.
   L.   Sign walker. (Ord. 2015-O-21)