In all residential districts, the following signs are permitted subject to the requirements set forth in this chapter:
   A.   Exempt Signs: Exempt signs.
   B.   Temporary Signs: Temporary signs.
   C.   Home Occupation Signs: For all home occupations on a lot in a residential district except in the O-1 restricted office district, the following signs shall be allowed:
      1.   Minor home occupation: A nonilluminated one square foot sign panel attached to a wall or freestanding address identification permitted under section 15.24.140 of this chapter shall be permitted. This sign panel may be increased to four (4) square feet per the provisions for a conditional use of the zoning ordinance.
      2.   Major home occupation: A nonilluminated one square foot sign panel attached to a wall or freestanding address identification permitted under section 15.24.140 of this chapter shall be permitted. This sign panel may be increased to six (6) square feet per the provisions for a conditional use of the zoning ordinance.
   D.   Multiple-Family Signs: A single identification sign, either freestanding or wall, may be displayed for multiple-family dwellings, apartments, and for any other similar residential developments. Only the name and address of the building and the name and telephone number of the management thereof may be contained on the sign. The size of the sign shall not exceed:
      1.   Nine (9) square feet for multiple-family buildings containing ten (10) dwelling units or less.
      2.   Twenty four (24) square feet for multiple-family buildings containing more than ten (10) dwelling units.
      3.   No wall sign shall project higher than one story or ten feet (10') above curb level, whichever is lower.
      4.   No ground sign shall exceed six feet (6') in height.
   E.   Neighborhood Identification Signs: A sign, masonry wall, landscaping, or other similar material and features may be combined to form a display for neighborhood or subdivision identification; provided, that the legend of such sign or display shall consist only of the neighborhood or subdivision name subject to design review recommendation by the planning commission and zoning board of appeals and approval by the village board of trustees. Such sign or entrance feature shall not interfere with required sight distances for both vehicular and pedestrian access. In addition, a guaranteed continuous maintenance program must be approved by the village board of trustees before a permit is granted.
   F.   Planned Unit Development (PUD) Signage: Developments approved as planned unit developments (PUDs) may elect to submit as part of the approval process for the PUD a comprehensive signage plan that details all proposed signage and standards. Signage limits and standards shall be set and governed by any approved PUD agreement for the subject property. Any deviations from the standards set in the PUD agreement will require an amendment to the approved PUD agreement.
   G.   Exceptional And Unique Signs: Any sign not listed in this section shall be subject to conditional use permit approval per the provisions for a conditional use of the zoning ordinance and may be allowed within the context of the following considerations:
      1.   The sign is integral to or will act as a visual enhancement to the architectural and aesthetic character to the building or lot upon which it is located;
      2.   The sign is needed to provide advertising for a specific and unique aspect related to a particular business or lot;
      3.   The sign utilizes technology or standards not presently covered by this section;
      4.   The sign or elements of the sign are not explicitly prohibited under section 15.24.130 of this chapter;
      5.   The sign will not present visual, noise, smell or other nuisance conditions to the surrounding properties or the village as a whole; and
      6.   The sign will not impact negatively on the health, safety, and welfare of the surrounding properties or the village as a whole. (Ord. 2015-O-21)