The zoning administrator, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and subject to the standards established, is authorized to issue permits for the erection and maintenance of temporary signs. However, it shall be required that before anyone erects a temporary sign or temporary signs they shall register with the building department and shall deposit a refundable sum of money as established in the schedule of fees on file in the office of the village clerk. No deposit will be refunded until after the temporary sign or temporary signs have been removed by the applicant within the specified time schedule. Failure to remove a temporary sign within the required time limits may result in the funds not being refunded subject to the provisions of section 15.24.080 of this chapter.
   A.   Permitted Temporary Signs:
      1.   Some temporary signs are exempt signs in that they do not require a sign permit (see section 15.24.140 of this chapter).
      2.   Business signs calling attention to a special, unique or limited activity, service, product or sale of limited duration.
      3.   Signs giving notice of events and activities sponsored by civic, patriotic, religious or charitable organizations for noncommercial purposes.
   B.   Sign Types:
      1.   Banners and bunting.
      2.   Flags and pennants.
      3.   Portable signs.
   C.   Number:
      1.   Not to exceed two (2) temporary sign permits per year per business. With temporary signs limited to a maximum of thirty (30) days, a new temporary sign permit must be obtained for each request for temporary signs on a zoning lot.
      2.   Not to exceed two (2) temporary signs per permit.
      3.   Ground signs shall not include more than two (2) sign faces per sign structure.
      4.   Temporary signage erected for a civic, patriotic, religious, or charitable organization on a zoning lot in a nonresidential district shall not be subtracted from that lot's total number of temporary sign permits per year.
   D.   Time Limitations:
      1.   Not to exceed thirty (30) days unless more restrictive time limitations are required by other sections of this chapter or other village ordinances.
      2.   The village board of trustees may grant a onetime extension.
   E.   Area And Height:
      1.   For any lot located in a residential zoning district, no temporary sign shall exceed sixteen (16) square feet per sign face, and the longest dimension of such sign shall not exceed eight feet (8'), and for the ground signs the height shall not exceed six feet (6') from the finished grade to the top of the sign.
      2.   For any lot located in a nonresidential zoning district, no temporary sign shall exceed twenty four (24) square feet per sign face, and for ground signs the height shall not exceed eight feet (8') from the finish grade to the top of the sign.
      3.   The tops of any banners or any temporary wall signs shall not exceed the roofline of buildings on and adjacent to the property.
   F.   Illumination: Temporary signs may be illuminated (nonflashing) in a nonresidential zoning district subject to the approval of the zoning administrator and in accordance with all village codes.
   G.   Permitted Location:
      1.   Temporary On Premises Signs: Subject to the same regulations as signs with respect to underlying districts. (Ord. 2015-O-21)