A. Permit Required. It is unlawful to construct, enlarge, repair, alter, or demolish a structure, or to change the occupancy of a building or structure in a manner requiring greater strength, an altered exit way, or sanitary provisions, or to change to another use, or to install or alter any equipment for which provision is made in or the installation of which is regulated by this title, without first filing an application with the building official in writing and obtaining the required permits therefor; except that the permit requirement may be waived, in the sole discretion of the building official, for work costing $500 or less.
B. Form of Application. Every application for a permit must be submitted on a building permit application form supplied by the Village and said permit fees as described in Title 3 of the Municipal Code, shall be paid prior to permit issuance.
C. By Whom Application Is Made. Every application for a permit must be made by the owner in fee or lessee of the building or structure, or the agent of either, or by the contractor or licensed engineer or architect employed by such owner or lessee in connection with the work to be done. If the application is made by a person other than the owner in fee, then the application must be accompanied by a duly verified affidavit of the owner, or the qualified person making the application, stating that the proposed work is authorized by the owner in fee and that the applicant is authorized to make such application. The full names and addresses of the owner, lessee, and applicant and of the responsible officers, if the owner or lessee is a corporate body, must be stated in the application. All applications shall have all project applicable contractors listed on the permit.
D. Description Of Work. Every application for a permit must contain a general description of the proposed work, its location, the use and occupancy of all parts of the building or structure and of all portions of the site or lot not covered by the building or structure, and such additional information as may be required by the building official.
E. Licensing of Contractors. Plumbing contractors and plumbers shall be licensed by the Illinois Department of Public Health, provide a letter of intent, for the work to be performed, on company letterhead with the raised corporate seal or notarized, copies of current 055 and 058 licenses. The roofing contractors shall have a current license issued by the State of Illinois for the type of work being performed; limited or unlimited license.
F. Plans and Specifications. Every application for a permit must be made on the form provided by the Village, with the plans and specifications required by the Village for the scope of work of the project. This includes, but is not limited to, boundary survey, topographical survey, site plans, material specifications, permitting by outside agencies, product manuals, and testing reports.
G. Plan Review and Fees. In the event that, due to the nature of the project, the Village requires that the plans be reviewed by an outside consultant, the plan review fee component of the permit fee shall be the actual cost of the review. Said fee shall be paid by the applicant at the time of the application if required by the Community Development Director.
H. Estimate of Cost. Every application must include an estimate by the owner or his or her representative or agent of the total estimated cost of the work proposed. Such cost estimate must include, among other things and not limited to, all costs of site preparation, mobilization, excavation, heating, plumbing, electrical wiring, carpentry, materials, fire protection, utilities, air conditioning, and the like. Work performed by anyone shall have a cost value assigned. If the total cost at completion exceeds such cost estimate, then the permittee must file with the building official a statement of such total cost at completion. The building official reserves the right to request documentation of completed project cost.
I. Site Development Requirements.
1. All open excavated holes and drops are to be completely encircled as a minimum with a four foot high safety fencing.
2. Silt fencing may be required to prevent silt from causing a nuisance to neighboring properties, discharge into the storm sewer system or creating a hazard; A Lake County Storm Water Management permit may be required for certain projects that fall under the required criteria pursuant to their ordinance.
3. Site Access: A construction drive shall be installed at the start of the job with a gravel base to provide emergency access. Contractor parking shall be provided to ensure emergency access and to prevent mud and debris from being tracked onto streets. Dirt and debris are to be kept off of the street at all times.
4. A dumpster or trash container shall be provided throughout construction.
5. A portable toilet shall be maintained at all times, except where the building owner allows use of the existing facility. The portable toilet is to be placed to least impact the neighbors and a minimum of ten feet off the lot line.
6. All sidewalks damaged during construction are to be replaced. In areas where a new home is constructed all the sidewalks along the property are to be replaced unless determined otherwise by the building official. Damaged sidewalks are to be replaced with a minimum of a four inch bed of compacted gravel and a minimum of five inch thick concrete panel. Sidewalk panels in drive areas are to be replaced with a minimum of seven-inch-thick concrete.
7. Sidewalks damaged during construction shall be topped with temporary bituminous pavement until final concrete can be placed.
8. Granular back fill shall be required for all street, road edge, sidewalk, driveway, slab, or patio areas as determined by the building official.
9. Any street excavation shall be topped with a temporary bituminous pavement within 48 hours of excavation. A permanent minimum of three inches bituminous layer, compacted in two lifts, with saw cut edges, is required as part of the final approval (a road opening fee per the current Village Fee Schedule will be accessed if road opening is performed).
10. Damage to parkway or neighbors property due to construction shall be repaired as soon as weather permits.
11. Traffic and parking requirements as noted on plan are to be followed throughout the construction process.
12. Temporary electric services are to be installed to prevent the use of generators.
13. Tree protection is to be installed per the site plan and may include (fencing, wrapping of trunk, root cutting before excavation trimming limbs for access, feeding, aerating, and directional boring under trees with services) as well as requirements of the tree preservation ordinance, set forth in Section 16.19.140 of the Municipal Code.
14. Materials are to be stored on private property, storage of materials in the public right of way is not permitted unless prior approval is granted by the Village.
15. Dust of any type is to be controlled by use of water or other forms of containment so not to cause a nuisance.
16. Sump discharge is to have one or more of the following: open site connection, storm sewer connection, drywell or discharge to approved area on the property. (Sump water will not be allowed to discharge to a location that will cause a hazard in freezing conditions such as drives, sidewalks, or streets and will not be a nuisance to neighboring properties) or be located within ten feet of adjacent property.
17. As-built drawings are required for all exterior water, sanitary, and storm service lines from the foundation wall of the structure being serviced to the point of connection with the existing service stub or existing main. The as-built drawing is required regardless of the length of the installation of the new portion of the utility service and must legibly convey all relevant information as determined by the Village.
18. Every new building and buildings with substantial renovation or as required by the building official, shall install a conduit from the water meter location to the street side exterior of the building. This conduit shall be used for the remote MXU wiring to the water meter.
19. All new exterior sanitary sewer cleanout covers shall be of a type and material that can be repeatedly driven over and not damaged. They can be made of a PVC material or other material as long as it can withstand the weight of vehicles.
J. Working Hours:
1. Limitation on Construction Hours. There shall be no exterior construction work, material hauling, construction equipment start-up, or idling of construction equipment or construction vehicles on any property in the Village at the times restricted in Section 9.04.010, Excessive Noise.
2. Exceptions. The Village Administrator or the building official may waive any of the noise prohibitions in the event of an extraordinary circumstance. Such request shall be made in writing to the Community Development Department, including the date range, proposed hours, nature of work, and justification. Acceptable justification for extraordinary circumstance may include, but is not limited, substantial disruption to vehicular access or business operations, if the work were to be conducted during the standard hours.
K. Removal of Debris. All waste materials shall be removed in a manner which prevents injury or damage to persons, adjoining properties and public rights of way. Adjoining streets and sidewalks shall be left broom clean at the end of each working day.
L. Utility Connections. All service utility connections shall be discontinued and capped at the main in accordance with the rules and requirements of the authority having jurisdiction.
M. Spot Survey. In all cases, a spot survey is required after foundation walls have been poured and stripped or any slab but before any work on the superstructure is begun. A surveyor can also provide surveyed marks for the foundation installation in those cases where setback location can be problematic. (Ord. 2023-O-8)