A.   Purpose: The purpose of this section is to provide a procedure by which new developments or subdivisions can preserve the natural country atmosphere that is prevalent throughout the village of Beach Park.
   B.   General: Restorative and landscaping measures set forth herein are intended to cover only those areas of the development or subdivision disturbed in the course of making the improvements required by this section. The developer is encouraged to provide additional landscaping throughout the development or subdivision which will complement the existing features and the developed site. Requirements set forth herein are minimal in scope and are not to be assumed as a restriction on landscaping efforts or to replace existing landscaping ordinances. Innovative ideas to naturalize disturbed landscapes are encouraged as long as they meet the overall objective of this section, the requirements of the zoning ordinance and the approval of the village board.
   C.   Natural Features Inventory And Tree Survey: The developer shall submit a natural features inventory and tree survey which inventories all trees on the property of the proposed development or subdivision and shows their location with the proposed preliminary plat. The tree survey shall include all trees measuring six inches (6") in diameter measured at four and one- half feet (4.5') from the ground. Based upon the survey, the village board may designate which existing features would add value to the development or subdivision or to the village as a whole, such as trees, watercourses, historic spots, and similar irreplaceable assets, and which of them shall be preserved in the design of the development or subdivision. No trees shall be removed from any development or subdivision, nor any change of grade of the land effected, until approval of the preliminary plat has been granted. All trees required by the village board to be retained shall be guarded and preserved by use of a "no activity zone" with a minimum radius in feet equivalent to the drip line of the tree. The "no activity zone" shall be clearly marked with tree protection fencing, and all trees, where required, shall be welled and protected against change of grade.
   D.   Ground Cover: The village board shall require that all disturbed areas within the development or subdivision, including unimproved areas within the dedicated right of way of streets and other public use areas, shall be restored by placing a minimum of four inches (4") of topsoil, graded, and seeded or sodded, in a manner approved by the village engineer. The village board may require additional topsoil depths in designated areas. Consideration shall also be given to restoring select areas with the natural growth of wildflowers, ground cover or similar material.
   E.   Tree Replacement: Trees required to be replaced shall be replaced with species selected from the approved listing of landscape materials on file with the village planner. If nine (9) or fewer trees are being replaced, equal numbers of at least three (3) of the listed species must be used. If ten (10) or more trees are being replaced, equal numbers of at least eight (8) of the species listed must be used.
   F.   Noise Abatement: Site grading and landscaping shall be provided for noise abatement along high noise generators such as regional and area highways and collector streets to preserve the natural quietness of a residential neighborhood. Noise abatement measures shall limit noise levels from noise generating sources to seventy (70) decibels at the property line.
   G.   Steep Slopes: All slopes greater than four to one (4:1) must be approved by the village engineer and shall be restored by means of sod or suitable ground cover.
   H.   Landscape Plan:
      1.   The village board may require that landscape plans and specifications be furnished as part of the overall development plan submittal. The plans shall be prepared by a practicing landscape architect and contain the following information:
         a.   Plant name, both Latin and English.
         b.   Planting location.
         c.   Number of plants in any one location.
         d.   Total number of plants to be provided.
      2.   Bushes and trees utilized in the plan shall be selected from the approved listing of landscape materials on file with the village planner. No less than three (3) species of bushes and three (3) species of trees shall be utilized in developing a plan for a proposed development or subdivision. (Ord. 2004-O-14 § 1)