   There is hereby created within the city government an emergency management organization which shall be under the supervision and control of the City Emergency Management Director, called the Director. The Director shall be appointed by the City Council for an indefinite term and may be removed by the City Council at any time. The Director shall serve with a salary as established by the City Council and shall be paid his or her necessary expenses. The Director shall have direct responsibility for the organization, administration, and operation of the emergency preparedness organization, subject to the direction and control of the City Council. The Director shall coordinate the emergency management activities of the city to the end that they shall be consistent and fully integrated with the emergency plans of the federal government and the state, and correlated with emergency plans of the county and other political subdivisions within the state. The emergency management organization shall conform to and be consistent with, where applicable, all state and federal requirements, including the National Incident Management System framework found at 44 C.F.R. part 201, as it may be amended from time to time.
   (A)   A local emergency may be declared only by the Mayor or his or her legal successor. It shall not be continued for a period in excess of three days except by or with the consent of the City Council. Any order or proclamation declaring, continuing, or terminating a local emergency shall be given prompt and general publicity and shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk/Treasurer.
   (B)   A declaration of a local emergency shall invoke necessary portions of the response and recovery aspects of applicable local or inter-jurisdictional disaster plans, and may authorize aid and assistance thereunder.
   (C)   No jurisdictional agency or official may declare a local emergency unless expressly authorized by the agreement under which the agency functions. However, an inter-jurisdictional disaster agency shall provide aid and services in accordance with the agreement under which it functions.
Penalty, see § 33.99
   (A)   Whenever necessary, to meet a declared emergency or to prepare for an emergency for which adequate regulations have not been adopted by the Governor or the City Council, the City Council may by resolution promulgate regulations, consistent with applicable federal or state law or regulation, respecting: the conduct of persons and the use of property during emergencies; the repair, maintenance, and safeguarding of essential public services, emergency health, fire, and safety regulations, drills or practice periods required for preliminary training, and all other matters which are required to protect public safety, health, and welfare in declared emergencies.
   (B)   Every resolution of emergency regulations shall be in writing; shall be dated; shall refer to the particular emergency to which it pertains, if so limited, and shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk/Treasurer. A copy shall be kept posted and available for public inspection during business hours. Notice of the existence of these regulations and their availability for inspection at the City Clerk/Treasurer’s office shall be conspicuously posted at the front of the City Hall or other headquarters of the city or at other places in the affected area as the City Council shall designate in the resolution. By resolution, the City Council may modify or rescind a regulation.
   (C)   The City Council may rescind any regulation by resolution at any time. If not sooner rescinded, every regulation shall expire at the end of 30 days after its effective date or at the end of the emergency to which it relates, whichever comes first. Any resolution, rule, or regulation inconsistent with an emergency regulation promulgated by the City Council shall be suspended during the period of time and to the extent conflict exists.
   (D)   During a declared emergency, the city is, under the provisions of M.S. § 12.37, as it may be amended from time to time and notwithstanding any statutory provision to the contrary, empowered through its City Council, acting within or without the corporate limits of the city, to enter into contracts and incur obligations necessary to combat the disaster by protecting the health and safety of persons and property and providing emergency assistance to the victims of a disaster. The city may exercise these powers in the light of the exigencies of the disaster without compliance with the time-consuming procedures and formalities prescribed by law pertaining to the performance of public work, entering rental equipment agreements, purchase of supplies and materials, limitations upon tax levies, and the appropriation and expenditure of public funds, including, but not limited to, publication of resolutions, publication of calls for bids, provisions of personnel laws and rules, provisions relating to low bids, and requirement for bids.
Penalty, see § 33.99
   All functions and activities relating to emergency management are hereby declared to be governmental functions. The provisions of this section shall not affect the right of any person to receive benefits to which he or she would otherwise be entitled under this resolution or under the worker’s compensation law, or under any pension law, nor the right of any person to receive any benefits or compensation under any act of Congress.
   The emergency management organization shall not participate in any form of political activity, nor shall it be employed directly or indirectly for political purposes, nor shall it be employed in a labor dispute.
§ 33.99 PENALTY.
   Any person who violates any provision of this chapter or any regulation adopted thereunder relating to acts, omissions, or conduct other than official acts of city employees or officers is guilty of a petty misdemeanor.