   151.01   Program enacted
   151.02   Plan adopted
   151.03   Manager appointed
   151.04   Budget
   151.05   Protection techniques
   151.06   Installation
   151.07   Permits
   151.08   Joint enforcement
   151.09   Administration
   The State Department of Public Health, working under the EPA’s Federal Safe Drinking Water Act, being 42 U.S.C. §§ 300f et seq., has enacted the Wellhead Protection Program (Minn. Administrative Rules parts 4720.5100 to 4720.5590, as it may be amended from time to time). This Program requires all public water suppliers to develop local wellhead protection programs. The city’s Wellhead Protection Team, with assistance from the State Department of Health, State Rural Water Association, and Bayerl Water Resources (a private consulting company), completed its plan in August of 2012.
§ 151.02 PLAN ADOPTED.
   (A)   The city’s Wellhead Protection Plan, hereafter referred to as WHP Plan, was officially adopted by the City Council on April 10, 2012 and approved by the State Department of Health on July 12, 2012.
   (B)   The WHP Plan, with its maps, shall be the basis for this chapter. The Plan and maps shall be displayed and available for viewing at the City Clerk/Treasurer’s office in the City Hall. The WHP Plan may be amended from time to time as needed or required by the State Department of Health.
   The City Council has appointed a Wellhead Protection Manager or Managers. They, with the assistance of the Zoning Officer, shall administer the WHP Plan in the city.
§ 151.04 BUDGET.
   The City Council shall annually in the city’s budget include a line item for the funding of the WHP Plan and its implementation.