(a) Before allowing a quadricycle to be operated for hire, the owner shall obtain a City-issued decal. Upon issuance of an operating permit, the City Clerk shall issue a decal to be affixed upon each quadricycle intended to be operated in the City by the applicant. The decal form shall be prescribed by the City and contain a unique nontransferable quadricycle registration number.
(b) One decal shall be included in the fee for an operating permit. There shall be an additional fee for each decal over the first that is requested, which fee shall be established by the City Commission and set out in the fee, bond, and insurance schedule as provided for in Section 802.24.
(c) It is unlawful for any owner to lease, rent or allow a quadricycle to be operated for hire without first having obtained a decal issued by the City and affixing the decal to the quadricycle in a manner prescribed by the City.
(Ord. 09-2017. Passed 6-20-17.)