Sign Type
Agricultural and Residential Districts
All Uses
Multi-family apartment complexes and permitted non-residential uses only
Temporary Signs
Maximum Area: 6 square feet
Maximum Height: 3 feet
Setbacks: Shall be located at least three feet away from the rights-of-ways and interior property lines
Wall Sign
Not Permitted
Maximum Number: 1 per frontage along rights-of-way
Maximum Area: 8 square feet
Automatic Changeable Copy Signs
Maximum Area: Shall not exceed 50% of the total allowed sign area for the premises.
Freestanding Sign
Not Permitted
Maximum Number: 1
Maximum Area: 24 square feet. For properties having a street frontage of more than 300 feet, an additional 25% of sign area shall be allowed for each additional 150 feet of street frontage. However, the maximum size allowed for a sign shall not exceed 48 square feet.
Setbacks: Shall not be closer than 5 feet from the street’s right-of-way line (but under no circumstance closer than 10 feet to edge of the road), or 10 feet from any interior property line. 25 feet from any street intersection, measured from the intersection of the street's right-of-way lines.
Maximum Height: 6 feet
(Ord. 10-2020. Passed 11-24-20; Ord. 04-2021. Passed 4-13-21; Ord. 12-2023. Passed 10-17-23.)