The following conditions apply to all signs erected or located in any zoning district:
   (a)   Sign Location. No sign shall be permitted at any location that creates any type of safety hazard or visual impediment to pedestrian or vehicular traffic. Any citation or notice of violation of this subsection shall cite any relevant building or electrical codes, provisions of this Zoning Code or other City ordinances.
   (b)   Alterations. No sign will be altered, rebuilt, enlarged, extended or relocated except in conformity with the provisions of this chapter. The refacing of signs is not an alteration within the meaning of this chapter.
   (c)   Sign Attachment and Support. A sign must not be attached to or supported by a tree, utility pole, light pole, trash receptacle, bench, vending machine, public shelter, or be painted or drawn upon rocks or other natural features.
(Ord. 10-2020.Passed 11-24-20.)