The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter and Section 604.02, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
   (a)   "Commercial quadricycle" means a vehicle that satisfies all of the following:
      (1)   The vehicle has fully operative pedals for propulsion entirely by human power.
      (2)   The vehicle has at least four wheels and is operated in a manner similar to a bicycle.
      (3)   The vehicle has at least six seats for passengers.
      (4)   The vehicle is designed to be occupied by a driver and powered either by passengers providing pedal power to the drive train of the vehicle or by a motor capable of propelling the vehicle in the absence of human power.
      (5)   The vehicle is used for commercial purposes.
      (6)   The vehicle is operated by the owner of the vehicle or an employee of the owner of the vehicle.
   (b)   "Commercial quadricycle owner” means a person who is the owner of a commercial quadricycle or commercial quadricycle business.
   (c)   “Commercial quadricycle operator” or “operator” means the business owner or the employee operating the vehicle.
   (d)   "Mixed spirit drink" means a drink produced and packaged or sold by a mixed spirit drink manufacturer or an outstate seller of mixed spirit drink that contains 10% or less alcohol by volume consisting of spirits mixed with nonalcoholic beverages or flavoring or coloring materials and that may also contain one or more of the following:
      (1)   Water.
      (2)   Fruit juices.
      (3)   Fruit adjuncts.
      (4)   Sugar.
      (5)   Carbon dioxide.
      (6)   Preservatives.
   (e)   “Operating permit” means a written permit issued by the city authorizing a person to operate a commercial quadricycle.
   (f)   “Spirits” means a beverage that contains alcohol obtained by distillation, mixed with potable water or other substances, or both, in solution, and includes wine containing an alcoholic content of more than 21% by volume, except sacramental wine and mixed spirit drink.
(Ord. 09-2017. Passed 6-20-17.)