(a)   The Inspections Division is hereby authorized and directed to enforce all provisions of this chapter, subject to review by the Historic District Commission.
    (b)   If the City Commission determines that pending work will cause irreparable harm to resources located within an established Historic District or a proposed Historic District, the City Commission may by resolution, declare an emergency moratorium on all such work for a period not to exceed six months. The City Commission may extend the emergency moratorium for an additional period not to exceed six months upon finding that the threat of irreparable harm to resources is still present. Any pending permit application concerning a resource subject to an emergency moratorium may be summarily denied.
   (c)   Whenever any work on a resource subject to this chapter is being done contrary to the provisions of this chapter or this Building and Housing Code, officials of the Inspections Division may order the work stopped by notice served, in writing, to the owner of record. Such persons engaged in doing or causing such work shall immediately stop such work until authorized by the Inspections Division to proceed after review by the Historic District Commission.
   (d)   When work has been done upon a resource without a permit, and the Historic District Commission finds that the work does not qualify for a certificate of appropriateness, the Commission may require an owner to restore the resource to the condition the resource was in before the inappropriate work, or to modify the work so that it qualifies for a certificate of appropriateness. If the owner does not comply with the restoration or modification requirement within a reasonable time, the Commission may seek an order from the Circuit Court to require the owner to restore the resource to its former condition or to modify the work so that it qualifies for a certificate of appropriateness. If the owner does not or cannot comply with the order of the Court, the Commission or its agents may enter the property and conduct work necessary to restore the resource to its former condition or modify the work so that it qualifies for a certificate of appropriateness in accordance with the Court's order. The cost of the work shall be charged to the owner and may be levied by the City as a special assessment against the property. In acting pursuant to an order of the Circuit Court, the Commission or its agents may enter the property for purposes of this section.
   (e)   The remedies provided for in this chapter shall be cumulative and not exhaustive and shall be in addition to any and all other remedies available at law or in equity to prevent or remedy any violation herein.
(Ord. 14-97. Passed 8-5-97; Ord. 04-2024. Passed 4-16-24.)