(a)   The wrecking of buildings or structures shall be done in a safe, workmanlike manner. Willful or continued performance of work in an unsafe, shoddy, dangerous or unworkmanlike manner shall be cause for the revocation of a building wrecker's license and/or cancellation of the wrecking permit.
   (b)   Barricades subject to the approval and meeting the requirements of the Building Inspection Department shall be erected as required to protect the public. Where encroachments are made upon public property or ways, permission therefor shall be obtained in advance from the appropriate department. Trucks and machinery shall be operated in such a manner as not to create a traffic hazard and in accordance with any instructions or directions of the Police Department. Materials shall be disposed of and removed systematically, as the building or structure is wrecked, to prevent the creation of a fire hazard, danger to the public or interference with the use of public property. Proper protection shall be provided in all public utilities, during the operation, to prevent damage or interruption of service.
(1975 Code Sec. 8.340)
   (c)   The demolition of foundations and basements shall be subject to the following requirements:
      (1)   If concrete basement floors are to remain in place, the floors shall be fractured into pieces of four feet maximum dimension or less prior to backfill.
      (2)   The contractor and/or responsible party must have an inspection conducted by a certified inspector prior to commencing the backfill operation.
      (3)   Concrete and masonry fill material must be rubbleized so that the material is a maximum of sixteen inches in diameter and the fill must be compacted so as to prevent formation of voids.
(Ord. 7-95. Passed 3-21-95.)