1230.02 PURPOSE.
   (a)   The zoning districts and the regulations specified for each district established by this Zoning Code have been constructed in accordance with a general plan for the physical development of the City. This plan, called the Master Plan, provides thoroughly considered objectives for the sound and orderly development of the City.
   (b)   It is the purpose of this Zoning Code to promote the safety, health, morale, convenience and general welfare of the public and community; to encourage the use of lands and natural resources in the City in accordance with their character, adaptability and suitability for particular purposes; to conserve social and economic stability, property values and the general character and trend of community development; to limit the improper use of land; to prevent excessive concentrations of the population; to lessen congestion on public streets and highways; to facilitate adequate provision of streets and highways, sewerage and drainage, water supply and distribution, educational, recreational and other public facilities; and to conserve life, property, natural resources and the expenditure of public funds for public facilities and services, by establishing standards for development in accordance with the objectives contained in the Master Plan, and by providing for the enforcement of such standards.
   (c)   The development standards provided in this Zoning Code designate zoning districts which establish the location, size and use of buildings, structures, parking areas, and minimum open space; provides maximum densities per acre of land; and generally, set forth standards for new roads, utilities, and other infrastructure for new development.
(Ord. 10-2020.Passed 11-24-20.)