(a) Before filing an objection to the issuance of a liquor license or to the renewal of a liquor license, or before requesting the revocation of an already existing license, with the Michigan Liquor Control Commission, the City Commission shall hold a hearing on the matter and serve the license holder and any other person known to have a legal interest in such license, by first-class mail, mailed not less than ten days prior to the hearing, with notice of the hearing, which notice shall contain the following:
(1) Notice of the proposed action;
(2) Reasons for the proposed action;
(3) The date, time and place of the hearing; and
(4) A statement that the licensee may present evidence and testimony and confront witnesses.
(b) The hearing shall be attended by a court reporter so that a transcript will be available for review by all parties. The City Commission's decision shall be final and a written statement of its findings and conclusions shall be submitted to the license holder and the Liquor Control Commission.
(Ord. 35-84. Passed 1-8-85.)