No person who is authorized to operate a limousine shall employ a driver unless such driver has obtained a chauffeur's license from the Secretary of State. Every person employed as a driver of a limousine shall be registered with the Police Department of the City. Each registrant shall state his or her full name, date of birth, residence and driver's license number. Such information shall be kept current. Failure to keep such information current or failure to register with the Police Department shall be deemed good cause for the revocation of a limousine permit.
(Ord. 23-83. Passed 7-12-83.)
(a) No person shall:
(1) While operating a limousine, violate any section of the Michigan Vehicle Code, being Act 300 of the Public Acts of 1949, as amended, or the Uniform Traffic Code as adopted by the City in Chapter 410 of these Codified Ordinances;
(2) Allow any limousine to be used for immoral purposes or in the procurement of any person for immoral purposes;
(3) Operate any limousine upon any street unless the owner files with the City Clerk proof of insurance issued by an insurance company licensed to do business in the State and approved by the City Commission, providing insurance coverage for each limousine operated by the applicant with a maximum liability as set forth in the schedule provided for in Section 802.24;
(4) Fail to notify the Police Department within eight hours after any accident, giving the time and the location of the accident, the name of any person injured, the character of injuries, so far as known, and, in the case of property damage, the estimated amount of damage; or
(5) While on duty, solicit passengers for the limousine.
(b) The operator and owner of every limousine under a permit issued pursuant to this chapter shall be responsible for maintaining such limousine, at all times, in a neat and clean condition, both inside and outside, and in a safe and proper operating condition. No limousine shall be operated that is in need of repair, is unsightly or is in a dilapidated condition. This section shall be enforced by the Police Department and the Department is authorized to inspect all limousines from time to time, at reasonable times and places. The Department shall notify, in writing, the owner or operator of any limousine that fails to comply with any provision of this chapter of the specific reason why such limousine fails to comply and order such owner or operator to correct such condition. Failure of the owner or operator to correct the condition of such vehicle within five days from the date of such notice, and continuance of the use of such vehicle as a limousine, are hereby declared to be a violation of this chapter. Persistent and habitual violation of this chapter shall be grounds for revocation of the limousine permit with respect to the vehicle in question, as well as grounds for revocation of the applicant's permit for operating a limousine in the City.
(Ord. 23-83. Passed 7-12-83.)
(c) Whoever violates subsection (a) hereof is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 202.99.
(Ord. 16-95. Passed 6-20-95.)
No driver shall permit any person to sit in a limousine who is not a passenger for hire or an official or employee of a person holding a permit under which the limousine is operating. No person shall be carried in the front seat of any limousine unless such person is an official or employee of a person holding a permit under which the limousine is operating or is a passenger for hire, and then only if the passenger compartment is fully occupied by passengers.
(Ord. 23-83. Passed 7-12-83.)
A person may transport or possess alcoholic liquor which is open or uncapped or upon which the seal is broken within the passenger compartment of a limousine being operated upon the streets of the City, provided that all Liquor Control Commission rules and regulations are complied with, and provided, further, that such passenger is at least twenty-one years of age and that the front seat area is physically separated from the passenger compartment of the limousine by a partition. No person shall transport or possess alcoholic liquor which is open or uncapped or upon which the seal is broken within the front seat area of a limousine.
(Ord. 23-83. Passed 7-12-83.)
(a) A violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, of the Traffic Code or of the Michigan Vehicle Code shall be sufficient grounds for the revocation of any permit issued under this chapter, and shall be considered sufficient grounds for the refusal to grant a permit in the first instance.
(b) Any permit issued under this chapter may be revoked or suspended by the Chief of Police for a definite period for misrepresentation of any material fact in the application for permit or for failure or neglect to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter.
(c) In addition to the basis for revocation and/or suspension in subsections (a) and (b) above, the City Commission may revoke a permit for cause in accordance with Section 802.17.
(d) Any person whose permit is denied, revoked or suspended shall be entitled to a hearing in accordance with Section 802.16.
(Ord. 23-83. Passed 7-12-83; Ord. 01-04. Passed 1-20-04.)
At least once a year, the Chief of Police shall cause an inspection to be made of each limousine for which a permit is issued under this chapter to see that the limousine complies with this chapter and is safe for use. The owner or operator of each such limousine is required to have such limousine presented at police headquarters of the City for such inspection at such time as the Police Department may require.
(Ord. 23-83. Passed 7-12-83.)
This chapter shall not apply to any person operating a regularly scheduled limousine service to and from the Terminal Building at W.K. Kellogg Regional Airport for the transportation of persons or baggage pursuant to a contract with the City. No person or limousine service shall transport passengers for hire from the Terminal Building at W.K. Kellogg Regional Airport, nor shall any person advertise, solicit, sell or offer for sale the service of transporting passengers for hire from the Terminal Building at W.K. Kellogg Regional Airport, on a regularly scheduled basis, unless the same is done pursuant to a contract with the City.
(Ord. 23-83. Passed 7-12-83.)