(a)   The Board of Appeals shall be an ad hoc body consisting of three members. One member shall be a City Commissioner, one member a licensed physician and one member from the public at large. Such persons shall have no interest in an ambulance operation and no immediate family members with an interest in an ambulance operation.
   (b)   The Board shall be appointed within ten days of a request for an appeal and shall meet within thirty days of such request for the purpose of holding a hearing on the appeal, with at least five days notice having been given to the appealing party.
   (c)   Any party may appear in person, by agent or by an attorney before the Board, which may reverse or affirm the decision to revoke the appellee's license. Within ten days after the conclusion of the hearing, the Board shall issue a written decision, including written findings based upon the evidence presented at the hearing. The Board may admit as evidence any matter that a reasonably prudent person would deem relevant or important to the conduct of their affairs.
   (d)   Any appeal from the hearing Board's decision may be taken to the Circuit Court for Calhoun County only on the basis that there was an error of law of that there were insufficient facts to support the conclusions reached by the Board.
(Ord. 14-90. Passed 6-5-90; Ord. 06-2010. Passed 6-15-10.)