For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings described in this section:
   (a)   "Applicator" means any person who applies manufactured fertilizer on general turf in the City including, but not limited to, homeowners, occupants of rental property, and property managers.
   (b)   "Commercial applicator" means any person who applies manufactured fertilizer on general turf in the City in exchange for money, goods, services, or other valuable consideration.
   (c)   "Commercial seller" means any person who sells or displays for sale any manufactured fertilizer in the City.
   (d)   "Fertilizer Program Administrator" means the person or persons designated to administer and enforce this chapter by the City Manager.
   (e)   "General turf" means nonagricultural land managed using a covering of turf grasses having aesthetic or functional benefits, or both, including but not limited to residential lawns, cemeteries and park areas; as well as commercial, educational and governmental grounds and golf courses. General turf does not include vegetable and flower gardens, sod farms, pasture or other land used for agricultural production.
   (f)   "Institutional applicator" means any person who applies manufactured fertilizer to general turf areas of more than one acre. Institutional applicators shall include but shall not be limited to, owners, operators and caretakers of public lands, parks, schools, religious institutions, utilities, industrial or business sites and any residential properties maintained in condominium or common ownership. Owners of individual parcels in single-family residential zoning districts shall not be considered institutional applicators.
   (g)   "Manufactured fertilizer" means a commercially manufactured liquid or granular substance containing one or more recognized plant nutrients, which is used for its plant nutrient content and which is designed for use, or claimed to have value, in promoting plant growth and which may also contain pesticides. Fertilizer does not include unmanipulated animal and vegetable manures, marl, lime, limestone, and wood ashes.
   (h)   "Soil test" means a set of scientific measurements that determine the basic texture of soil, the pH level of the soil, and the various nutrient levels of phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium in soil, for the purpose of providing a fertilizer recommendation regarding the amount of nutrients and rate of application of nutrients for general turf growth.
   (i)   "Soil testing service" means a company, organization, or City service unit designated by the Fertilizer Program Administrator to perform soil tests and recommend fertilizer application rates.
(Ord. 13-07. Passed 9-4-07.)