(a)   No person shall own, harbor, or keep a ferret over twelve weeks of age within the City without first obtaining a license therefor from the City Treasurer or the authorized agent of the City Treasurer. Licenses for ferrets shall be issued in compliance with Act 358 of the Public Acts of 1994, being M.C.L.A. 287.891 to 287.901. The application for such license shall state the breed, sex, age, color and markings of such ferret, whether the ferret is spayed or neutered, or whether the animal has a microchip, and the name, address, and telephone numbers of the owner, and any applicable alternate contact information. Such application for a license shall be accompanied by a valid certificate of vaccination for rabies, stating the name of the veterinarian who administered the inoculation, the date it was given and the length of time during which such inoculation is effective.
   (b)   The license fee shall be as prescribed in the Fee, Bond and Insurance Schedule, Section 802.24, of the Business Regulation and Taxation Code. Within seven days of a ferret becoming 12 weeks of age the owner shall apply for a license.
   (c)   The license year shall commence on the first day a license is issued and end after 365 days, or on the expiration of the rabies certificate of vaccination, whichever occurs first. Licenses issued under this Chapter are not transferable. License fees are not refundable. Application for ferret licenses shall be made within thirty days of acquiring a licensable ferret. Applications to renew licenses shall be made not later than the license expiration date.
   (d)   A person who owns or harbors a ferret shall produce proof of a valid rabies certificate signed by a veterinarian and a valid ferret license upon the request of any person who is authorized to enforce this chapter.
   (e)   A person is exempt from the licensing provisions of this section when he or she is in full compliance with the requirements for a hobby breeder established by Act 358 of the Public Acts of 1994, being M.C.L.A. 287.891 to 287.901.
(Ord. 22-95. Passed 7-18-95; Ord. 04-2017. Passed 5-16-17; Ord. 10-2018. Passed 10-2-18.)