(a) Definitions. As used in this section:
(1) "Salvage" means property or goods found in or on or connected to any real property acquired and owned by the City, not including mineral rights.
(2) "Surplus material or equipment" means outdated, unused, unneeded or overstocked property of the City, which property retains some useful life.
(3) "City Manager" includes the person designated by the City Manager to administer this chapter.
(b) Disposal Authorized. The City Manager is hereby given authority to sell or otherwise dispose of City-owned surplus material or equipment, salvage from City-acquired real property, and unclaimed recovered stolen property or abandoned personal property held by the Police Department. The City Manager shall conduct, at least once every twelve months, a City auction to dispose of such material, equipment, salvage and goods.
(c) Manner of Disposal. Any salvage or surplus material or equipment, the estimated value of which is ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or more, shall be sold either by public auction or by sealed competitive bidding, as provided in subsection (e) hereof, or with City Commission approval in the absence of either a public auction or sealed competitive bids. Sales shall be to the highest responsible bidder.
(d) Publication. All auction notices and invitations for bid shall be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City at least seven days before the last day set for the auction or for receiving bids by the City.
(e) Bid Procedures in Absence of Public Auction.
(1) An invitation to bid for the purchase of salvage, surplus material or equipment and recovered stolen items and abandoned personal property in the possession of the Police Department shall be published in at least one applicable publication, not less than seven days before the date set for receiving bids by the City. Such notice shall include a general description of the item to be sold and shall state where specifications may be secured, where the property may be viewed and the time and place for submitting and opening bids.
(2) Sealed bids shall be submitted to the City at the address and on or before the date and time specified for receipt of the bid in the notice.
(3) Timely received bids shall be publicly opened by the Purchasing Agent or the designee of the Purchasing Agent at the time, date and place specified in the notice. All persons interested shall be allowed to be present at the opening and the total amount of each bid shall be read aloud by the person opening bids.
(4) All bids shall be examined by the City Manager and the highest responsible bid shall be selected and a contract executed.
(5) The procedures of this subsection are not required to be followed when the salvage, surplus material or equipment does not have an estimated value of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or more.
(f) Property Valued at Less Than Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000). Any salvage, surplus material or equipment which does not have an estimated value of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or more may be disposed of in a manner which the City Manager determines to be in the best interests of the City.
(Ord. 2-89. Passed 2-14-89; Ord. 03-07. Passed 4-17-07.)