A.   Size:
      1.   All medium to large trees and their cultivars or varieties to be planted shall conform to American Association of Nurserymen standards unless otherwise specified by the Public Works Department. The trees and their cultivars or varieties shall be free of branches to a point not less than sixty percent (60%) of the overall height of the tree, be at least one and one-half inches (11/2") in diameter, measured six inches (6") above the ground, have a root ball no less than twenty inches (20") in diameter and be no less than eight feet (8') in height. These specifications may be altered, for use in special programs, by the Public Works Department.
      2.   All small trees and their cultivars or varieties to be planted shall conform to American Association of Nurserymen standards unless otherwise specified by the Public Works Department. They shall be no less than five feet (5') in height, be single stemmed and have at least six (6) branches on the upper half of the tree and have a root ball no less than sixteen inches (16") in diameter.
   B.   Grade: All trees and their cultivars or varieties at the time of planting shall be free from mechanical injuries or other objectionable features that will affect the future health and/or the overall appearance. They shall have straight trunks and well developed, balanced branching pattern. The trees shall have a well developed root system characteristic of the species and cultivar or variety and exhibit evidence of proper nursery pruning practices.
   C.   Types: All trees and their cultivars or varieties to be planted shall be balled and burlapped. Bare rooted plants permitted only with approval of the Public Works Department.
   D.   Acceptance: All planting stock shall be inspected upon arrival. Any plant that does not meet the standards of this article will not be accepted.
   E.   Transport:
      1.   All planting stock shall be handled with care so as to minimize damage to the trunk, crown and root system. Planting stock shall be handled by the root ball and is not to be dragged, thrown or dropped off an elevated platform.
      2.   Root balls of planting stock shall be monitored to prevent drying out. They should be kept moist and watered if needed. If they are not to be planted immediately root balls should be covered with mulch and kept moist.
      3.   Plants shall be secured during transit. The crowns of planting stock shall be covered when transporting over extended distances or at high speeds to prevent wind desiccation. (Ord. 08-11, 8-4-2008)