(A)   Contracted hauler or waste collection service is required to make one weekly pick up of all residences and businesses.
   (B)   Wednesday shall be the day for waste collection in the village, commencing at 7:00 a.m. No property owner, resident, occupant, or other person shall place trash for collection prior to 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding collection nor leave waste receptacles at the curb, road shoulder, or other places of collection that is in plain view of the street later than 10:00 a.m. the day following collection.
   (C)   It shall be the duty of all occupants of every dwelling house or other building in the village to provide a suitable and water-tight metallic or plastic container with a lid of convenient size. There shall be no limit on the number of containers used by any residential customer. Containers shall be placed at a point readily accessible to the collector, which may be the curb line wherever practicable and not inconsistent with the use to which premises are put. Collectors shall remove the entire contents of such vessels, replace the lids thereon and maintain the area after collection.
   (D)   Commercial establishments and dwellings of more than one family unit shall be limited to a maximum of six 30-gallon containers or one four-cubic yard dumpster-type container. Should these occupants or owners desire more collection than this, they may contract with any garbage or trash service licensed to operate in the village.
   (E)   A monthly charge on each water bill is assessed to cover costs for pick up point.
   (F)   Collection will be maintained on all holidays except Christmas and New Year’s Day. On these holidays pick up will be made the following day.
   (G)   Waste shall be deposited for collection at curbs or near edges of streets in cans or containers suitably covered to prevent littering.
(1997 Code, § 51.03)  (Ord. 408, passed 1-16-1962; Ord. 617-79, passed 2-12-1979; Ord. 777-88, passed 11-28-1988; Ord. 977-00, passed 12-11-2000; Ord. 1273-13, passed 6-3-2013)  Penalty, see § 51.99