(A) Establishment and composition.
(1) A Records Commission is hereby established for the village.
(2) The Records Commission shall be composed of the Mayor, Fiscal Officer, Solicitor and a resident of the village as appointed by the Mayor. The Mayor shall be the Chairperson of the Records Commission, which shall meet at least once every six months, upon the call of the Chairperson.
(B) Duties. The functions of the Records Commission shall be to provide rules for the retention and disposal of records of the village and to review applications for one-time records disposal and schedules of records retention for the various village departments and offices.
(C) Records disposal procedure.
(1) Records may be disposed of pursuant to the rules and regulations as established by the Records Commission. The Records Commission may at any time review any schedule it has previously approved, and for good cause shown may revise that schedule.
(2) When village records have been approved for disposal, a list of such records shall be sent to the Auditor of State. If the Auditor of State disapproves of the action by the Records Commission, in whole or in part, he or she shall inform the Records Commission within a period of 60 days, and these records shall not be destroyed.
(3) Before public records are disposed of, the Ohio Historical Society shall be informed and given the opportunity for a period of 60 days to select for its custody such public records as it considers to be of continuing historical value.
(1997 Code, § 32.03) (Ord. 741-86, passed 2-10-1986)
Statutory reference:
Creation; functions; disposal of records, see R.C. § 149.39
Limitations on recordkeeping, see R.C. § 149.40