(A) Creation. The position of Village Administrator is hereby established.
(B) Appointment. The Village Administrator shall be appointed by the Mayor, but shall not take office unless his or her appointment has been approved by a majority vote of Council.
(C) Residency. The Village Administrator is not required to be a resident of the village.
(D) Removal procedure. The Village Administrator shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and Council and may be removed without cause by the Mayor with the consent of the majority of the members of Council, or may be removed without cause by the affirmative vote of three-fourths of Council, without the consent of the Mayor.
(E) Board of Trustees of Public Affairs, Street Commissioner and Zoning Administrator abolished.
(1) When the Village Administrator has been appointed by the Mayor and approved for the position by Council, the Board of Trustees of Public Affairs shall be abolished and the term of office of members of the Board shall automatically terminate.
(2) When the Village Administrator has been appointed by the Mayor and approved for the position by Council, the position of Street Commissioner shall be abolished and the term of office of the Street Commissioner shall automatically terminate.
(3) When the Village Administrator has been appointed by the Mayor and approved for the position by Council, the position of Zoning Administrator shall be abolished and the term of office of the Zoning Administrator shall automatically terminate.
(F) Powers and duties.
(1) The Village Administrator shall manage, conduct and control the Water and Sewer and Street Departments, and shall be responsible for the collection of all rents related thereto.
(2) The Village Administrator may make such bylaws and regulations as are deemed necessary for the safe, economical and efficient management of the Water and Sewer and Street Departments.
(3) Such bylaws and regulations shall be consistent with the ordinances of the village and shall have the same validity as the ordinances.
(4) The Village Administrator shall have the same powers and perform the same duties as are provided for in R.C. §§ 743.05 through 743.07, inclusive, 743.10, 743.11, 743.18 and 743.24.
(5) The Village Administrator shall supervise the improvement and repair of streets, avenues, alleys, lands, lanes, squares, landings, bridges, viaducts, sidewalks, sewers, drains, ditches, culverts, channels, streams and watercourses, as well as the lighting, sprinkling and cleaning of all streets, alleys and public buildings and places.
(6) The Village Administrator shall perform all duties and shall have all powers of Board of Trustees of Public Affairs and Street Commissioners as prescribed by law, except as otherwise provided by this section and the ordinance creating the position of Village Administrator.
(7) The Village Administrator shall investigate and apply for any grants which are available to improve or maintain the village, subject to the direction of Council.
(8) The Village Administrator shall perform such other functions as are deemed necessary by Council.
(9) The Village Administrator shall submit a monthly report to Council, outlining the Administrator’s activities in the previous month.
(10) The Village Administrator shall be under the general supervision and control of the Mayor.
(11) The Village Administrator shall perform all duties and shall have all powers of the Zoning Administrator as provided for Title XV of the codified ordinances and in the Ohio Revised Code. These duties shall include but not be limited to the following:
(a) The appointee shall attend all meetings of the Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals when notified by the Chairpersons of those bodies. The appointee shall enforce the village zoning ordinance in accordance with its provisions;
(b) From time to time the appointee shall make recommendations to Council and the Board of Zoning Appeals toward a more workable and effective zoning administration; and
(c) The appointee shall perform sidewalk inspection pursuant to the direction of Council.
(G) Full-time. The Village Administrator, shall be employed by the village on a full-time basis, with sick and vacation time extended to employees of the village effective as of his or her date of full- time status with the village, while remaining an at will employee.
(1997 Code, § 31.04) (Ord. 746-86, passed 5-12-1986; Ord. 747-86, passed 5-12-1986; Ord. 859-93, passed 3-22-1993; Ord. 860-93, passed 3-22-1993; Ord. 1241-12, passed 5-7-2012)
Village Administrator as purchasing agent, see § 36.02
Village Administrator to execute contracts, spend funds and execute purchase orders, see § 36.03
Village Administrator in relation to shade trees, see § 96.02(A)
Statutory reference:
Appointment and removal, see R.C. § 735.271
Powers and duties, see R.C. § 735.273
Contracts; central purchasing, see R.C. § 731.141