(A)   The Fiscal Officer shall settle and account with the Council monthly, providing the Council, no later than the Friday immediately preceding the monthly Council meeting, the following information and accounts:
      (1)   Written cash journal;
      (2)   Cash summary; and
      (3)   Reconciled bank statement.
   (B)   At the first regular meeting of the Council in January of each year, the Fiscal Officer shall report to it the condition of the finances of the municipality, the amount received by the Fiscal Officer, the sources of the receipts, the disbursements made by him or her, and on what account, during the year preceding. This account shall exhibit the balance due on each fund which has come into the Fiscal Officer’s hands during the year.
(R.C. § 733.46)  (Ord. 1137-08, passed 9-2-2008)