(A)   All owners or occupants of buildings within the county which have been assigned a number shall cause to be permanently attached in some public and conspicuous place near the outside front entrance of the building, a number plainly indicating by appropriate figures the number assigned to the building. Provided, however, that, if a building is not visible from a road or if a building is 200 feet or more from a road, the assigned number shall be displayed at the entrance to the access road or driveway to the building by means of a separate marker or by means of a mailbox as set forth below. All numbers attached to a building or placed on a separate marker indicating the number assigned to the building shall be of durable, weatherproof material and of a size not less than one and one-fourth inches by two inches. The assigned numbers shall also be placed on each side of any mailbox serving the building.
   (B)   Where mailboxes are grouped, the numbers shall be displayed on the front or lid of each box.
   (C)   Where a mailbox is on a different road than the building, the number of the building and the appropriate road name or number shall also be displayed on the mailbox.
(Prior Code, § 5-160) (Ord. 1981-1, passed 3-6-1981)