(A)   Violation Determined by Commissioner.
      1.   The Liquor Control Commissioner may suspend for not more than thirty (30) days, or revoke any license issued by him if he determines that there has been any violation of any State law pertaining to the sale of alcoholic liquor, any provision of this Chapter, Section 6-1-4 of the Village Code, or any other Village ordinance, or any applicable rules or regulations established by the Liquor Control Commissioner, or the Illinois Liquor Control Commission, or for the failure to pay any license cost or fee or any tax imposed on alcoholic liquor or the sale thereof. However, except as hereinafter provided, no such license shall be revoked or suspended except after a public hearing by the Liquor Control Commission, to commence not sooner than three (3) days after written notice shall have been transmitted to the licensee at the licensed premises personally or by United States mail, affording the licensee an opportunity to appear and defend. Such notice shall state the date, time and place of the hearing. If the Liquor Control Commissioner has reason to believe that any continued operation of any particular licensed premises will threaten the welfare of the community, he may, upon the issuance of a written order stating the reason for such conclusion and without notice or hearing order a licensed premises closed for not more than seven (7) days pending a hearing on the suspension or revocation of the license therefor. Such order shall contain notice of the date, time and place of the hearing thereon, which hearing shall commence not less than five (5) nor more than seven (7) days from the date of service, personally or by certified United States mail, of said notice upon the licensee or his agent, or any employee thereof in charge of the licensed premises. The Liquor Control Commissioner shall hold the hearing at the date, time and place set forth in such notice, giving the licensee an opportunity to be heard, and shall make his decision not later than five (5) days from the conclusion of the hearing. If such licensee shall also be engaged in the conduct of another business or businesses on the licensed premises, such initial closing order shall not be applicable to such other business or businesses.
      2.   Appeals shall be taken to the Illinois Liquor Control Commission and the Illinois Circuit Court in the manner provided by law.
   (B)   Violation Determined by Court.
      1.   Whenever any licensee shall be convicted in court of any violation of State law pertaining to the sale of alcoholic liquor, or any provision of this Chapter, or any applicable rules or regulations established by the Local Liquor Control Commissioner or the Illinois Liquor Control Commission, or any law or regulation pertaining to liquor license fees or taxes, the license of said licensee may in the discretion of the Liquor Control Commissioner be revoked. Such revocation need not be preceded by notice or a hearing for such licensee. However, such licensee shall have a right to a public hearing by the Liquor Control Commissioner for the purpose of showing cause for reissuing the revoked license by petitioning for such a hearing within fifteen (15) days of the revocation of such license. The hearing shall be held within a reasonable time and shall allow the licensee an opportunity to be heard, and the Liquor Control Commissioner shall make his decision not later than five (5) days from the conclusion of the hearing.
      2.   Whenever an officer, director or manager or other employee of any licensee under this Chapter shall be convicted of any violation of any law, ordinance or provision as provided in subsection (A) above, while engaged in the course of his employment or while on the premises described in said license, said license may be revoked in the discretion of the Local Liquor Control Commissioner, subject to a subsequent hearing as provided in subsection (A) above.
   (C)   Complaints. Any person may file a complaint with the Liquor Control Commissioner alleging that any licensee has been or is violating State law pertaining to the sale of alcoholic liquor, or the provisions of this Chapter or the rules or regulations issued pursuant thereto. Such complaint shall be in writing, in the form prescribed by the Liquor Control Commissioner, and shall be signed and sworn to by the parties complaining. The complaint shall state the particular law, provisions, rule or regulation believed to have been violated and the facts in detail upon which such belief is based. If the Liquor Control Commissioner is satisfied that the complaint substantially charges a violation and finds probable cause to believe the same, he shall set the matter for hearing and shall serve notice upon the licensee of the time and place of such hearing and of the particular charges in the complaint, such hearing to take place not sooner than five (5) days from the date upon which such notice is served upon the licensee at the address of the licensed premises, personally or by United States mail.