Except as hereinafter provided, no permit pertaining to the use of land or buildings shall be issued by any officer, department or employee of the village unless the application for such permit has been examined by the enforcing officer and has affixed to it a certificate of the enforcing officer indicating that the proposed building or structure complies with all of the provisions of this title. Any permit or certificate of compliance issued in conflict with the provisions of this title shall be null and void.
Every application for a building permit shall be accompanied by:
   (A)   A plat in triplicate of the piece or parcel of land, lot, lots, block or blocks, or parts or portions thereof, drawn to scale showing the actual dimensions and certified by a land surveyor or civil engineer licensed by the state of Illinois as a true copy of the piece or parcel, lot, lots, block or blocks or portions thereof, according to the registered or recorded plat of such land; and
   (B)   A statement showing the name of the owner and applicant, the legal description of the property, a statement and description of the uses to be established or expanded and a plat in triplicate drawn to scale in such form as may from time to time be prescribed by the enforcing officer showing the ground area, height and bulk of the building or structure, the building lines in relation to lot lines and such other information as may be required by the enforcing officer for the proper enforcement of this title.
One copy of each of the two (2) plats shall be attached to the application for a building permit when it is submitted to the enforcing officer for a zoning certificate and shall be retained by him as a public record.
The enforcing officer shall issue a written permit or a denial thereof with reasons in writing, within fifteen (15) days from the date of the acceptance of the application. In the event the permit or denial thereof is not issued within fifteen (15) days, the applicant may appeal directly to the zoning board of appeals, which shall order the issuance of the permit or the denial thereof with reasons in writing.
Except where an extension has been obtained in writing from the enforcing officer, permits heretofore and hereafter issued shall expire within ninety (90) days if a substantial beginning has not been made in the construction or establishment of the use applied for and within one year, if not completed. All fees shall be as established by resolution of the board of trustees. (Ord. 63-1, 4-1-1963)