(A)   Use, Lot and Bulk Regulations (Off-Street Parking): Off-street parking facilities for motor vehicles in the Light Industrial District shall be provided in accordance with the regulations set forth hereinafter, as well as in Section 5-3-10 of this Title:
      1.   Computation: When determination of the number of off-street parking spaces required by this Title results in a requirement of a fractional space, any fraction of one-half (1/2) or less may be disregarded while a fraction in excess of one-half (1/2) shall be counted as one parking space.
      2.   Collective Provision: Off-street parking facilities for separate uses may be provided collectively if the total number of spaces so provided is not less than the sum of the separate requirements for each such use and provided that all regulations governing location of accessory parking spaces, in relation to the use served, are adhered to. Further, no parking spaces or portion thereof shall serve as a required space for more than one use unless otherwise authorized by the Zoning Board of Appeals in accordance with Section 5-10-4 of this Title.
      3.   Area: A required off-street parking space shall be at least ten feet in width and at least twenty feet in length (10' x 20'), exclusive of access drives or aisles, ramps, columns or office or work areas. Such space shall have a vertical clearance of at least seven feet (7').
      4.   Access: Each required off-street parking space shall open directly upon an aisle or driveway of such width and design as to provide safe and efficient means of vehicular access to such parking space. All off-street parking facilities shall be designed with appropriate means of vehicular access to a street or alley in such a manner as to minimize interference with traffic movement. No driveway across public property at the right-of-way line shall exceed a width of twenty five feet (25').
      5.   In Yards: Off-street parking spaces, open to the sky, shall not be located in any required yard, except rear yards. Enclosed buildings containing off-street parking shall be subject to applicable yard requirements.
      6.   Design and Maintenance:
         a.   Open and Enclosed Parking Spaces: Off-street parking spaces may be open to the sky or enclosed in a building.
         b.   Surfacing: All open off-street parking areas shall be improved with a compacted macadam base, not less than four inches (4") thick, surfaced with asphalt or treated with some comparable all-weather dustless material.
         c.   Screening and Landscaping: All open automobile parking areas shall be effectively screened on each side adjoining any property situated in a residence district or any institutional premises by a wall, fence or densely planted compact hedge not less than five feet (5') nor more than eight feet (8') in height.
         d.   Lighting: Any lighting used to illuminate off-street parking areas shall be directed away from residential properties in such a way as not to interfere with the residential use.
         e.   Repair and Service: No motor vehicle repair work or service of any kind shall be permitted in association with any open accessory parking facilities.
      7.   Location: All parking spaces required to serve buildings or uses erected or established after April 1, 1963 shall be located on the same zoning lot as the building or use served. Buildings or uses existing on April 1, 1963 which are subsequently altered or enlarged so as to require the provision of parking spaces under this Title may be served by parking facilities located on land other than the zoning lot on which the building or use served is located.
      8.   Employee Parking: Parking spaces required on an employee basis shall be based on the maximum number of employees on duty, on the premises at any one time.
   (B)   Light Industrial District (Off-Street Parking): Off-street parking facilities shall be provided in accordance with the following minimum requirements:
1. Auto laundries. Maximum capacity, in this instance, shall mean the greatest number possible of automobiles undergoing some phase of laundering at the same time
1 parking space shall be provided for each 3 employees, plus 1 space for the owner or manager, and in addition, reservoir parking spaces, equal in number to 5 times the maximum capacity of the auto laundry, for automobiles awaiting entrance to the auto laundry
2. Automobile service stations
1 parking space shall be provided for each 2 employees, plus 1 space for the owner or manager
3. Cartage and express facilities
1 parking space shall be provided for each vehicle maintained on the premises, plus 1 space for each 2 employees
4. For the uses listed hereunder:
1 parking space shall be provided for each 2 employees
a. Contractors', architects' and engineers' offices and shops
b. Highway maintenance shops
c. Sewage treatment plants, community
d. Weighing stations
5. For the uses listed hereunder:
1 parking space shall be provided for each 2 employees, plus spaces adequate in number, as determined by the Enforcing Officer, to serve the visiting public
a. Public utility and service uses
6. For the uses listed hereunder:
1 parking space shall be provided for each 3 employees
a. Any production, processing, cleaning, servicing, testing,repair or storage of materials, goods or products
b. Laundries
c. Mail order houses
d. Packing and crating
e. Printing
f. Publishing
7. For the uses listed hereunder:
parking spaces equal in number to 50% of the capacity in persons
a. Restaurants
8. For the uses listed hereunder:
1 parking space shall be provided for each 200 square feet of gross floor area
a. Banks
b. Building material sales
c. Currency exchanges
d. Drug stores
e. Dry cleaning establishments
f. Fuel and ice sales
g. Garages for storage, repair and servicing of motor vehicles
h. Retail outlet stores
i. Temporary buildings for construction purposes
j. Wholesale establishments
9. Heliports, private
parking spaces, if any, shall be provided as determined by the Enforcing Officer
10. Medical and dental clinics
3 parking spaces for each staff and regularly- visiting doctor