(A)   Application for a license shall be made in writing, no fewer than thirty (30) days before the intended sale of raffle chances, on forms provided by the village clerk's office.
   (B)   Each license and application for license shall contain the following information:
      1.   The name and address of the applicant.
      2.   The area within the village in which the raffle chances will be sold and issued.
      3.   The time period during which raffle chances will be sold or issued.
      4.   The date, time, manner and locations of determining the winning chances.
      5.   A sworn statement attesting to the nonprofit character of the applicant, signed by its presiding officer and secretary.
      6.   A copy of the applicant's articles of incorporation and/or charter.
      7.   Such other information as the village clerk may require.
   (C)   Each license issued under this chapter shall be valid for one raffle. (Ord. 02-14, 9-23-2002)