Stops on Arch Street
Stops on Bishop Ave.
Cherry Street.
Leggett Ave.
Church St.
Walnut Street
Stops on Brennon St.
Morgantown Ave.
Stops on Barnesville Common access
S. Lincoln Ave.
Stops on Brill St.
eastbound and westbound for Dorsey Ave.
Stops on Bell St.
eastbound and westbound for Leggett Ave.
Warren St.
S. Chestnut St.
Stops on Belview St.
Stops on Broadway St.
W. Main St.
Church St.
Law St.
Stops on Bernhard St.
Walton Ave.
Morgantown Ave.
W. Main St.
Stops on Bethesda St.
E. Main St.
Stops on Captina Dr.
Stops on E. Pike St.
S. Lincoln Ave.
northbound alley at 119 E. Pike St. for E. Pike St.
southbound alley at 119 E. Pike St. for Leggett Ave.
Stops on Carl St.
S. Chestnut St.
Dorsey Ave.
S. Lincoln Ave.
Leggett Ave.
Stops on E. South St.
Stops on Carrie Ave.
Henderson St.
Hunts Ave.
eastbound and westbound for S. Lincoln Ave.
Stops on Cedar Ave.
Stops on Euclid Ave.
E. Main St.
Chestnut St.
N. Lincoln Ave.
Stops on Cemetery St.
S. Chestnut St.
Stops on Fair St.
Chestnut St.
Stops on Cherry St.
N. Chestnut St.
Chestnut St.
N. Lincoln Ave.
Stops on Fowler St.
Chestnut St.
Stops on Church St.
Cole St.
Stops on Franklin St.
E. South St.
Stops on Clifton St.
S. Lincoln Ave.
eastbound and westbound for Franklin St.
eastbound and westbound alley at 316 Franklin St. for Franklin St.
northbound and southbound at Vine St. (A.O.)
Henderson St.
Vine St. (Ord. 3829. Passed 9-16-19.)
S. Lincoln Ave.
Stops on Gardner St.
Church St.
Stops on Clinton St.
W. Main St. (A.O.)
Franklin St.
Hunts Ave. (Ord. 3829. Passed 9-16-19.)
S. Lincoln Ave.
Stops on Grace Ave.
E. Main St.
Stops on Cole St.
W. Main St.
Stops on Grandview St.
Leggett Ave.
Stops on Dewey Ave.
S. Chestnut St.
S. Highland Ave.
Stops on Greenmont Ave.
Stops on Dorsey Ave.
Bond Ave.
Pike St.
Sycamore St.
Stops on Morgantown Ave.
E. Main St.
Stops on E. Church St.
Fairmont Ave.
E. Main St.
Stops on Neva Ave.
Stops on Harrison St.
Wiley Ave.
S. Broadway St.
eastbound and westbound at S. Gardner St.
Stops on N. Lincoln Ave.
Mulberry St.
Stops on Henderson St.
Walnut St.
Church St.
E. Main St.
Stops on North St.
Bond Ave.
Stops on High St.
Chestnut St.
N. Lincoln Ave. (A.O.)
Watt Ave. (Ord. 3616. Passed 6-17-13.)
Stops on Ohio St.
E. Main St.
Stops on Hillcrest
Bond Ave.
Stops on Park St.
Law St.
Stops on Hilles Ave.
Walton Ave.
S. Gardner St.
Stops on Pine Ln.
Stops on Hospital Dr.
E. Main St.
W. Main St.
Stops on Pultney Ave.
Stops on Hunts Ave.
W. Main St.
eastbound for S. Broadway St.
eastbound and westbound for S. Gardner St.
Stops on Richmond St.
Morgantown Ave.
Stops on Hutchinson Street
Wiley Avenue
Stops on Robinson Ave.
Sycamore St.
Stops on Kennard Ave.
Bond Ave.
Stops on Shamrock Dr.
Chestnut St.
E. Main St.
Stops on Law St.
Stops on S. Arch St.
Chestnut St.
E. South St.
Stops on Leatherwood St.
Stops on S. Broadway St.
Leatherwood Rd.
northbound and southbound at W. South St.
Stops on Leggett Ave.
Stops on S. Gardner St.
northbound and southbound for E. Pike St.
Leatherwood Rd.
S. Chestnut St.
Sycamore St.
Northbound and southbound at W. South St.
Stops on Mill St.
Stops on Westview Dr.
S. Chestnut St.
W. Main St.
S. Lincoln Ave.
Stops on W. Walnut St.
Stops on S. Lincoln Ave.
Prospect St.
E. Main St.
Washington St.
Stops on Sycamore St.
Stops on Wiley Ave.
S. Chestnut St.
Bond Ave.
Stops on Village Park exit
Stops on alley between Pomco and Jonathan Logan
Chestnut St.
E. South St.
Stops on Vine St.
eastbound and westbound for Franklin St.
Henderson St.
S. Chestnut St.
eastbound and westbound for S. Lincoln Ave.   
Stops on Walnut St.
Chestnut St.
Mulberry St.
Stops on Walton St.
Chestnut St.
Stops on Warren Ave.
E. Main St.
Stops on Washington St.
W. Main St.
Stops on Watt Ave.
High St.
Mulberry St.
Stops on W. Highland Ave.
W. Main St.
Stops on W. Main St.
alley at 336 W. Main St. for W. Main St.
Stops on W. South St.
eastbound and westbound for S. Gardner St.
W. Main St.
northbound alley at 336 W. South St. at W. South St.
southbound alley at 335 W. South St. at W. South St.