(A)   Principles. In designing a street system, the applicant is guided by the following principles:
      (1)   Adequate vehicular and pedestrian access must be provided to all parcels.
      (2)   Street connections into and from adjacent areas may be required.
      (3)   Local street patterns must provide reasonable direct access to the primary circulation system.
      (4)   Interior circulation systems and land development patterns cannot conflict with the efficiency of bordering arterial routes.
      (5)   Elements in the local circulation system should be designed with the least amount of interruptions possible in order to function effectively and safely.
      (6)   Planning and construction of streets must clearly relate to their local function.
      (7)   Local streets are designed to discourage excessive speeds.
      (8)   Pedestrian-vehicular conflict points should be minimized.
      (9)   The number of intersections should be minimized.
      (10)   Local streets are designed to minimize impacts to significant topographic features.
   (B)   Standards.
      (1)   Current INDOT standards, guides, and manuals are followed as design standards unless otherwise specified in this chapter.
      (2)   Only one street, driveway or point of vehicle access is permitted from a subdivision onto a collector street or road or an arterial street or road for a subdivision of 50 or fewer lots. Two or more streets, driveways, or points of vehicle access are required by the Plan Commission for subdivisions with over 50 lots to improve the safety and traffic circulation in the area.
      (3)   Subdivisions with over 50 lots must include streets with a boulevard design if a second entrance is not feasible due to the character of the land, provided the internal street geometrics provides two access points at its termination inside the development. Stub streets must be provided for any future undeveloped land.
      (4)   Subdivisions with over 100 lots must provide internal circulation routes which provide redundant or alternative access to multiple entrances.
      (5)   Half streets are not permitted.
      (6)   All street names and lot addresses are coordinated through the 911 Coordinator for the County and local postal service. No street names may be used which will duplicate or be confused with names of existing streets, unless considered exceptions by the Plan Commission. The streets, which are logical extensions, continuations of, or alignment with any existing streets, either constructed or appearing on any validly recorded plat, must bear the names of such existing streets. Street addresses must be provided for every lot conforming to the town and 911 coordinator's addressing standards.
      (7)   Rights-of-way and paving for proposed streets must be extended to the boundary lines of the proposed subdivision so a connection can be made to all adjacent properties unless such extension is not feasible because of topography or other physical conditions, or unless, in the Plan Commission's opinion, such extension is not necessary or desirable for the coordination with existing streets or the most advantageous development of adjacent tracts.
      (8)   Subdivisions cannot be designed to create or perpetuate the land-locking of adjacent undeveloped land. Connectivity must be considered and planned.
      (9)   A temporarily dead-end street is permitted in any case where a street is proposed to be and should logically be extended but is not yet constructed. A stub street with a dead-end sign is provided in this case terminate in a temporary cul-de-sac with a minimum street radius of 50 feet or hammerhead turnaround unless otherwise waived by the Plan Commission.
      (10)   In subdivisions that adjoin or include existing streets that do not conform to the minimum right-of-way dimensions as established by this chapter, the subdivider dedicates additional width along either one or both sides to ensure conformance, provided the area to be used for widening is owned by the subdivider or under the subdivider's control.
      (11)   Refer to § 154.099 for line-of-sight design requirements on corner lots.
(Ord. 2022-17, passed 7-19-2022)