(A)   Application forms. All development review applications shall be in a form developed by the Planning Commission and approved by the Development Review Board. Application forms shall be available to the public.
   (B)   Application contents. The Planning Commission Director, in consultation with and approval of the Development Review Board, shall develop a list of development review application submittal requirements. The list shall, at a minimum, include a listing of all information, data, explanations, analysis, testing, reports, tables, graphics, maps, documents, plans, forms, or other items reasonably necessary, desirable or convenient to determine whether or not the development address and satisfy each and every applicable development standards set forth in this chapter and the Zoning and Subdivision Regulations for All of Nelson County. The Planning Commission Director may waive items on the submittal requirements list that are not applicable due to the particular conditions and circumstances of the proposed development.
   (C)   Application deadline. The application and all applicable submittal requirements shall be submitted to the Development Review Board not less 21 days prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting.
(Ord.795, passed 1-27-04)